Communication Works Physical Planning & Housing Department Kalat Tender Notice for ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** NOTICE INVITING TENDER The Executive Engineer Roads CWPP&H Department District Kalat invites sealed bids from eligible bidders who can prove their eligibility and qualification as mention in the bidding documents for the works mentioned on BPPRA Website. The estimated cost and other information of works are as under: percentage tender based on Composite Schedule of Rates 2023, Government of Baluchistan amended up-to-date from interested contractors {firms for the work listed below under BPPRA Rules. & Tender complete details please visit Bid Security 2% and Tender Fee A/C # C02716 Rs.2000/- for each work. S.No Name of Work 1. CONSTRUCTION OF BT ROAD FROM SOR JAMANDZAI TO YOUSFZAI KHALIQUAHEAD DISTRICT TSE-232405435883 2. CONSTRUCTION OF BT ROAD FROM N-25 RODENJO IT DISTRICT KALAT (2.00KM) TSE-232405435033, 3. CONSTRUCTION OF BT ROAD FROM SHEIKH RAJABTO KILI SARDARZAI AND KILI KHER MUHAMMAD NEMARG DISTT KALAT TSE-232405435193. 4. CONSTRUCTION OF BT ROAD OF KILI IQBAL RAISANI KHALIQABAD DISTRICT KALAT TSE-232405435543. 5. CONSTRUCTION OF BTROAD OF KILI SHAEED MIRABDUL HAI DISTRICTKALAT TSE-232405435583. 6. CONSTRUCTION OF BT ROAD OF JOWAN ROAD TO KOOHAK DISTRICT KALAT TSE-232405435633. 7. CONSTRUCTION OF BTROAD FROM KILI TAKARIABDUL NABI TODRAKZAI ZAKRIAZAI DISTRICT KALAT TSE-232405435653. 8. CONSTRUCTION OF BT ROAD OF KILI MUHAfüAD HASANI NEAR MAND E HAJI KHALIQABAD DISTRICT KALAT TSE-232405435733. 9. CONSTRUCTION OF BTROAD FORM KILI PÅRICHNATO BARICHNA GRAVEYARD KHALIQABAD DISTRICT KALAT TSE-232405435823. IOECONSTRUCTIONOFBTROADF O KILISARMASTANITOJAGSOR CAUSEWAY KHALIQABAD DIST KALAT TSE-232405435853. II.CONSTRUCTION ISAIFTOVILLAGEAREADISTRICTKALAT. TSE-232405435093 i2.CONSTRUCTlONOFBTRqjh FROMKOTLANGAUTOZAIBALDAMSKAHLIQ ABAD DISTTKÄLAT. TSÉJS2406446263 13.CONSTRUCTlON OF BT ROAD AT SHAHI DARBAR DISTRICT KALAT. E/Cost 148,571429 45,000tooo 14 857,144 DEADLINE OF SUMBISSION: Technical and financial proposals from intending contractors/firms sealed in two separates en'élopes clearly marked with Work title& type of proposal must be delivered by hand or through registered mail to the address mentioned below on before procurement committee in the presence of bidders or their authorized representatives who choose to attend. The Second sealed envelope containing "financial bids "of technically responsive /qualified bidders will be opened on the same date. Bid submission / Tender opening Date 21/06/2024 Bids Validity: Ninety days Place: The place of issuance, submission, inquiries and opening will be - The office of the Executive Engineer Roads CWPP&H Department District Kalat & Submission Time deadline 09:00 Am Date 21 JUNE 2024 & Opening Time deadline 10:00 Am Date 21 JUNE 2024. PRQ No-2755/03-6-2024 O Newspaper ( 05 Jun, 2024) EXECUTIVE ENGINEER ROADS CWPP&H DEPARTMENT KALAT dpr.gob @dgpr.balochistan from Dawn dated 05 June, 2024
Send us WhatsApp Msg to Activate Tender Service : 03441423583
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