Metropolitan Corporation Islamabad Auction Notice for ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** METROPOLITAN CORPORATION ISLAMABAD #HumCDA Directorate of Municipal Administration RE-OPEN AUCTION NOTICE FOR ESTABLISHMENT OF CATTLE MARKET IN SECTOR I-1 5 ISLAMABAD FOR EID-UL-AZHA 2024 IN ISLAMABAD Reference open auction notice published by Metropolitan Corporation Islamabad in daily newspaper/ CDA Website and PPRA website dated 25-04-2024 for open auction the sites for establishment of Cattle Markets of Sacrificial Animals in Islamabad for the period of 13 days w,e-f 1"Zilhaj to 13 Zilhajj on the occasion of Eid-ul-Azha for the year 2024. 2, Metropolitan Corporation Islamabad is going to Re&bullOpen Auction under PPRA Clause 13 (i) proviso for Establishment Of Cattle Mandi in Sector 1-15 Islamabad, which will be held in the office of Directorate of Municipal Administration, MCI Fire Headquarter Building G-7/1 Islamabad on Tuesday 4th June 2024 at 0200 3. Only such interested bidders shall be entitledtq&bulltake part in the open auction before the commencement of process shall provide: a, b. c. e. f, g, Company/ Firm Registration Certif copy of CNIC Copy of NTN Certificate Bank Statement The reserve price for Cattle andi Sector 1-15 Islamabad shall be the highest bid amounto' i e RS. 30 00 Bidder shall depositanamount of Rs. 10,000.000/- (10.00 Million) as earnest money Viti advance for Cattle Market Sector 1-15 Islamabad ih shape of pay order in favor of ODO/DMNMCI. The possession&bullof the site of Cattle Market Sector 1-15 shall be handed oveqto the successful bidder subject to 100% payment of bid value±on the same day in shape of pay order in favor of DDO/DMA/MCI, 4. Rest of the terms conditions will remain un-changed as already published ih newspaper dated 5. This issues with the appcoval of Administrator Metropolitan Cog)oration Islamabad. RAI YASIR FARHAD Director Municipal Administration Metropolitan Corporation Islamabad Fire Headquarter Building G-7/1 Islamabad (Ph: 051-9252838) o Newspaper ( 05 Jun, 2024) from Jang dated 05 June, 2024
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