Higher Education Commission Islamabad Tender Notice in Jang newspaper of 05 June, 2024 and more Tenders and Auction Ads of Higher Education Commission Islamabad Tender Notice ( HEC ) 2024 published in Pakistani newspaper or PPRA |
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Higher Education Development in Pakistan
Higher Education Commission
Specific Procurement Notice
Request for Proposals
Information Systems (Design, Supply, and Installation)
Issued On:
Highet Education Commission
Higher Education Oevetognent in Pakistan
Of Services and
May 30.2024
1. Tl'ß Islamic Republic of PüJstan has received füvancirq from the World 3ank toward thc
cost 01 the Highar Education Development Pakistan *HEOP" and intends to apply part od
lhe pcoceeds toward payments under the ccggract tot Procurement Of Software and
Services Cloud and High-performance Computing.
2. Higher Edl.:catjon Cccnmissjon invites Proposals from eligibJC Proposers
Proturement Of Software and Services rot Cloud and High'Pcrrotmance Computing
as further detailed in thc Request for Proposals document-
3. The ptoc:utement ptocess Will be conducted competitive
mocurement using a Request for Proposals (RFP) as specdied in the Wo,'ld dank's
*Procuranent Requlatjorts tot IPF Borrowers- July 2016, revised November 2017
August 201 g tProcurement Regtjation:$) and is open to etgible proposers as defined
in Procurement Rey-Nations.
4. Interested eligible Ptoposers may offain further information
AM -03:00
ten {l O} days till the deadline proposal
5. The Request tor Proposals document in English be downloaded ftcgn
Wih(NJt any
charge(s). l' required by the ptaposgt. thc [email protected]" welted form: on specific
request via Official or printed over Officiat letterhead dlly signed and stamped by the
signatory, can be sent ccuti$$' a Of PKR
1 S.CCO or lor an eqt:ivalent in a convertible eutrency.
6. A virtual preproposal session shal be AM cnJurtc 13, 2024. Intetested
Proposers may obtain the respective meeti1'4 invee via wrifing an addressed 10
the undersigned between 07. 2024. and 12,
2024 regular
7. Proposals CWSt be
address below on or before 11:30 AM dated
July 22, 2024. Electoric will rot be pennated. Late Proposals win be
reieeed- The outet Propossruwelopcs marked 'ORIGINAL PROPOSAL'. and the innar
envelopes marked • TECHNICAL PART' publiCI'i' opened in the gesence Of th.e
Proposers' designated anyone who chooses to altend. the address
bem on the July 22. 2024, immediately after Proposal submission
deadfne. AJI enveloges magked 'FINANCIAL PART Shall rmna.jn uncpeced and wube held
in the until til* second publiC proposdS opening,
g, be accornpanied a pet the
detail*' requirements given at respectve sectionsy ctause($) in the Request for
Proposal document.
9. Altenion is drawn to the Promwemmt Regulations rcqliilinq 80uower to disclose
information on the successful Proposer's beneficial owne:ship. as part ot the Confract
Award ratite. using the Beneficial Ownership Form CS in the Request
far Proposal docwnn.
10. The address@s) referred to above is (are):
Procurement Specialist (HEDP)
Project Coordination Unn (PCJ}
HOher Education Development in Pakistan (HEOP) Project
Higher Education Commission
Sector H-9/4, Islamabad, Pakistan,
+92 51 90400120
Newspaper ( 05 Jun, 2024)
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