National Bank Of Pakistan Lahore Auction Notice for ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** NATIONAL BANK OF PAKISTAN DHS-T Branch, Phase-2, Lahore Auction of Gold Jewellery The following defaulters legal heirs who have failed to redeem their jewellery despite repeated reminders. They are informed to redeem their jewellery from National Bank Of Pakistan, DHS&bullT Branch, Phase-2, Lahore immediately after this publication. Otherwise, the jewellery pledged in the National Bank of Pakistan will be auctioned on Friday June 2024 at 10:00 am in the presence of the public. No excuse will he accepted alter the due date. The expenses of auction and court etc, Will also be borne by the debtor, ACCOunt Name Adtress Accoura Nurnber cotrower Name Customer&bulls Addres ACCOumt Name Customer's Address Accoura Numbcr Cogrowet Name Customer'S Address Note 3 Mt'lvammad Masood Ramran House No, 199-K. Street OHA. 6180399997 Muumnta&bulld masood Ramtan Hovse NO. 199&bullK. Street Phase&bull6, OHA. Laho«g Muhammad SaudBamæn House No, 199&Street No. Praase.6. OHAåartcre 61 Ni gnatti Nih Haveli Haq Nawaz Road. npwa, LRR Cantt t. Bidders +'srequested to bring a call deposit of or pay order issued by National gank@Pakistan Wd1iCh iS refundable. 2. Th&8ånk reserves the right to cancel any or all Offers without assigning any reason. 3. Tax laws will appty. The auction will be held at the said branch within 15 days Of the publication this advertise«nent. Advertiser Manager National Bank of Pakistan OHS&bullT Branch. Phase&bull2. Latvoro 99264057 @NBP c ewspaper un, from Thenews dated 05 June, 2024
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