Ministry Of Housing & Works Islamabad Tender Notice for ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** PHA FOUNDATION MINISTRY OF HOUSING & WORKS Ministry of Housing & Works PHA FOUNDATION RE-INVITATION TO E-TENDERING PHA Foundation Ministry of Housing & Works Government of Pakistan is carrying out DEVELOPMENT OF INFRASTRUCTURE WORK PHASE-II FOR PHA-F MULTI STOREY APARTMENTS AT SECTOR 1-12. ISLAMABAD. Electronic bids/Tenders are invited on percentage rate basis (Above/BeIow) PAK PWD Schedule 2022 forthe following mentioned works from the contractors licensed by the Pakistan Engineering Council in the relevant/appropriate category along with specialization codes forthe following mentioned work and meeting the criteria prescribed in bidding documents using Single Procedure under PPRA Rule 36(b). Stage Two Envelop Bidding Contract Number PHA-F- 21/10-11 Name of Work Development Of Infrastructure Work Phase-II For PHA-F Multi-Storey Apartments At Sector 1-12, Islamabad Category (PEC) C-1 and above with following Codes CE-OI, CE-08,CE-09, CE-IO, CE-I Bid Security (Rs) 0/- of Quoted Bid In shape of CDR Submission of Bids Date & Time 28/06/2024 at 11.00 AM Technical Bids opening date & time 28/06/2024 at 11.30 AM 1 I. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. A complete set of Bidding Documents (i/c tender drawings, bidding documents, technical specifications, BOQ etc.) may be downloaded from the official website of E-Pak Acquisition and Disposal System (EPADS of PPRA) at ( by an interested bidder after uploading of scanned copies of valid updated registration certificate with Pakistan Engineering council in the relevant category and also be registered with PPRAfor E-Procurement on E-PAD system fpr tendering and Pay Order/Demand Draft/Bank slip in favor of PHA Foundation amounting Rs. 5000(Rupees Five Thousand) as documentation fee. Any further information may be obtained by inspecting th ffce of the Chief Engineer at First Floor Shaheed-e-Millat Secretariat, Jinnah Avenue Islamabad. Bids must be submitted in two duly sealed envelope separately with mark FINANCIAL PROPOSAL and TECHNICAL PROPOSAL with single outer envelope onor before 11 AM on 28-06-2024 in the office of Chief Engineer PHAF in original duly signed end stamped & a scanned copy must be uploaded at the E-PADS website designated location/link and only technical bids will be opened at 11.30 AM the same day by the bid opening committee in the committee room of PHAF in the presence of prospective bidders or their representatives. Bidders are advised to carry out a sit sit to obtain first-hand information regarding site conditions before submitting the most competitive bid. Valid PEC registration and NTN (ActiveTax Payer). Specified codes issued by Pakistan Engineering Council (PEC) to Firm/Bidder before the advertisement date are acceptable, Conversely, codes issued post the advertisement date will not be accepted, Incomplete and conditional&idsshall not be considered. No tenderthrough Fax, Telephone and Telex would be entertained. In case of difference Petween the bid submitted in the office of Chief Engineer (In hard) and the one uploaded (scanned copy) that is in case of any ambiguity/discrepancy in hard and soft form the bid shall be rejected and will be declared non-responsive. 10. In case of False Information provided by the bidders, the concerned bidder/firm will be blacklisted under PPRAruIes; decision ofthe Employer in the case should be final. II. No Bidding Document shall be available for downloading on the date fixed for opening of bids. 12. In case of any unforeseen reasons public holiday unrest or force majeure on the bid submission/ opening date the Bid shall be opened on the next working day atthe same place and time. 13. All the prevailing PPRA rules/Act and government notification issued from time to time will be applicable. 14. All the federal taxes will be deducted from bills of the contractor as prescribed rates as per government policy issued from time to time. 15. All the federal taxes/duties will be deducted from the bill of the contractors at prescribed rate as per government policy issued from time to time. 16. If the successful bidder repudiate the contract his entire security deposit shall be forfeited in the favor of PHA-F further he shall be blacklisted 17. PHA Foundation reserves the right to accept or reject any or all bids or proposals at any time prior to the acceptance ofa bid in accordance with 33 PPRA Rules 2004. Muhammad Irfan Chief Engineer PHA Foundation, Ministry of Housing and Works. Shaheed-e-MiIIat Secretariat, Jinnah Avenue Islamabad. Tel:051-9206071 o Newspaper ( u4 Jun, zuz4) , from Express dated 04 June, 2024
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