Establishment Of Model Registration Center Sargodha Tender Notice for ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** CORRIGENDUM (Already advertised IPL No.4934) TENDER NOTICE PURCHASE OF ITEMS UNDER REVENUE COMPONENT OF SCHEME TITLED. "ESTABLISHMENT OF MODEL E.REGIST!UTION cpNTp,8. DISTRICT SARGODH A". The Contract for provision of goods / items for newly constructed E.REG'$TRATION CENTER. DISTRICT *ARGODHA are required. In this regard, scaled quotations / tenders I bid documents are invited from firms / vendors registered with Federal Board of Revenue (FBR) NTN / GST and registered by relevant body as pet PPRA Rules / apy other policy.and rules of Govemment of the Punjab. TERMS CONDITIONS: 1- 2. 3- 4- 5- 6- 7- 8- 9- 12- 13- o Interested parties are required to submit their tenders With Technical and Financial proposals (two envelops single step) in separate envelope up to 21, June, 2024 at A.M and will bc opened at 11 A.M on the same date by authorized committee in presence of Firms / Venders or their authorized agents. Tender form will be collected from offee Of the Deputy Commissioner Office, Sargodha well before 11:00 P.M on 21, June, 2024 after paying a tender fee of Rs. 20000/- (Non-refundable). Framework contract of goods/items for ESTABLISHMENT OF MODEL E-REGISTRATION CENTER, DISTRICT SARGODHA shall be made in accordance with the Punjab Procurement Rules-2014 (Amended upto date) on SINGLZSTAGE Two ENVELOPS BASIS. Tender documents along with qualification.evaluation criteria and standardized specification of the item/serviee are available on PPR,A Website for perusal Financial Proposal shall accompany bid money CDR in the name Of Deputy Commissioner, Sargodha as mentioned in the tenderebid documents. The rates offered for purcha items / goods shall be of standard level as per the Bid documents. Bid documents which are not sealed, every page not signed, affidavit not attached and late or submitted by othéöthan the specified mode shall be rejected / consider to be rejected Technical Bids shall 'pened on the same date after 30-Minutes of closing time. in the presence Of firms / vendors or their authorized representative. Vendors / firms shallhave to show/veriöe requisite samples before the technical evaluation committee, The Procuring Agency reserves the right to accept or reject the tender at any time prior to the acceptance ofquotation Without explaining any reason. The Procuring Agency has the right to increase or decrease the quantity. decision of the Procuring Agency will be final and not be challenged in any Court. Every item will be installed by the Firms / Vendors and will also look aner during the warranty period for said purpose. No separate charges Will be paid to thc contractor for all the installation / Fixation of goods / items & delivery of items. Detail terms & conditions will be mentioned in tender / bid documents and same will be followed in true letter & spirit. Rates offered by the Finn / Vender will bc applicable for the whole financial year 2023-24. Additional Deputy Commissioner (Revenue) Sargodha IPL-5215 Newspaper ( u4 Jun, zuz4) , from Express dated 04 June, 2024
Send us WhatsApp Msg to Activate Tender Service : 03441423583
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