Communication Works Physical Planning & Housing Department Jhal Magsi Tender Notice for ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** NOTICE INVITING TENDER The Executive Engineer (Building) CW PP&H Department District Jhal Magsi invites sealed percentage rates tenders based on Composite Schedule of Rates, 2023 Government of Balochistan amended up-to- date from interested contractors/firms for the mentioned below: - Earnest Money 2% in shape of call deposit, Tender Fee Rs.1000/&bull (in shape of green challan form deposited in head of account C&bull 02716) and TZime limit 12&bullMonths foreach work. S.No. Name of Work 1 CONSTRUCTION BOYS PRIMARY SCHOOLKAMILTEHSIL JHAL MAGSI, PSDP NO 8926 232405441953 2 CONSTRUCTION OFGOVT:BOYSPRIMARYSCHOOLDERAMACHI TEHSIL JHALMAGSI DISTRICTJHALMAGSI, PSDPNO.8928 (2023.4629). TSE 232405442453 3 CONSTRUCTION OF GOVT BOYS PRIMARYSCHOOLSAFRANI EICost 14.356-M 14.356-M 14.356-M DISTRICT JHAL MAGSI, PSDP NO. 8930 (Z2023.4698). TSE 232405442463 4 CONSTRUCTION OFGOVTGIRLS PRIMARY SCHOOL SHAFIM RAHEJA DISTRICT JHAL MAGSI, PSDP NO. 8931 (Z2023.4703). TSE 232405442513 5 CONSTRUCTION OF SHELTERLESS GOVT BOYSPRIMARYSCHOOL BET JABBAR DISTRICT JHAL MAGSlt PSDP NO. 8934 (Z2023.4707). TSE 232406444123 6 CONSTRUCTION OF GOVT: BOYS PRIMARYSCHOOLDILAWAR 14.356-M 14.356-M 14.356-M EIMone 2,90t000/- 2,90t000/. 2,90t000/' DISTRICT JHAL MAGSI, PSDP NO. [email protected]). TSE 232406444133 7 CONSTRUCTION OFGOVT BOYS PRIMARYSCHOOLRAHOJARAHIM 14.356-M TEHSIL GANDAWAH BC 07319 DISTRICT JHAL MAGSI, PSDP NO. 8937 @20234714). TSE 232406444143 8 CONSTRUCTION OFGOVT BOYS PRIMARY SCHOOL KANDORI 14.356-M TEHSIL GANDAWAH BC 07298 DISTRICT JHAL MAGSlt PSDP NO. 8938 TSE 232406444153 9 CONSTRUCTION OFGOVT:BOYSPRIMARYSCHOOLPEER CHATAL 14.356-M SHAH NOORANI DISTRICT JHAL MAGSI BEMICS 07295 PSDP NO. 8941 (20234718). TSE 232406444173 IOCONSTRUCTION BOYSPRIMARYSCHOOL 14.356-M ALLAHWARAYADISTRICT JHALMAGSI,PSDPNO 943(Z2023.4720). TSE 232406444183 The Procurement shall be out in accordance with Balochistan Public Procurement authorities i.e. (NTN & Sales Tax (ii) valid registration with Pakistan Engineering Council in required Category C6 & above!mrelevant discipline i.e. CEOI t CEI O, (iii) I Completed Similar Nature of work Experience upto R, 15.00-NiIIion (iv) General work Experience upto Rs. 15.00-MiIIion (iii) Two years Relevant / General work Experience (iv) Financial Capabilities I Turn-over of Last Two Year. SingleStage, One Envelope Procedure. Bid Security:&bull The Bid Must Method of Procurement:- accompany bid security in the !ornfGf call deposit of amount specified above in the name of the undersigned from a schedule#ank. Biding I Tender Documents:- Tender Documents:&bullThe bidding documents can be obtained on the office of the undersigned upon payment (non-refundable) bidding documents fee mention e through green challan (the NIT and bidding documents can also be downloaded from www& under TSE No. given above against each scheme. ISSUANCE:- The tender documentsissued from the date of publication of this NIT upto 20106/2024 at 11 am during office hours. SUBMISSION: -Last date for submission of documents from advertisement published in newspapersupt020/06/2024 at 12:00 (P.M). at 01100 (P.M). Place of Issuance, submission, inquiries and opening will be Address: Office of the Executive Engineer, (Buildings)CWPP&H Deptt: Jhal Magsi at Gandawah. TELEPHONE NO:- 0837-430184. E-Mail BIDVALIDITYPERIOD: Ninety (90 days). TERMS & CONDITIONS: Terms and conditions are mentioned (incorporated) in detail in bidding documents. A procuring agency may cancel the bidding process at any time prior to acceptance of bid or proposal, as per provision in BPRRA, rule 2014. PRQ No.2746103-6-2024 O ewspaper ( un, EXECUTIVE ENGINEER (BUILDINGS) CWPP&H DEPARTMENT DISTRICT JHAL MAGS! AT GANDAWAH @dgpr.balochistan from Express dated 04 June, 2024
Send us WhatsApp Msg to Activate Tender Service : 03441423583
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