Public Works Department Kotli Tender Notice for ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** OFFICE OF THE EXECUTIVE ENGINEER PUBLIC WORK DEPARTMENT HIGHWAYS DIVISION KOTU quotatiqn Notice&bull The Under sealed Qu«ation for frecarriageof Pa.ckd Tarcoal from National Refinery limitedKoraW Karachi to #ways [hision Store at Akbari &idge 2 3 4 6 Caerqe 9.cdDras) tunNirgl 51 I RefreryLiTM(capKadib m. mhedræs I. are invited fruncontractors goods transport cmpaies who have at least 5 Year *ince of carnage nd transprtation of goods ard which are rqistered wm FBRtTuation department of AJ&K 2. purchased bye*lecøotrad0ßlgoodstranwt on submission of a &bullaritta&bull. *cation to tte ofxe&euroÉxecWe PWD #ways Divisicm Kodi payment of non-refl.n&Ue terderfge nentü*d cdumn Na.4 'OtoæUduM,gcffite tours. must be (kliæred at offiæ of Execum *ways Diiim IWNear ShieedChowkcn will be med on date at EEythecommitteeinthe u thü repremtatwe(s) who chose to attendi iltompkte md utations ud wih led rncil rot be acceptable, Any quotatienifnot accompanied by an &bullcc.tak as Cohnn 6 (he) be *aed by tte empbyer and as nn-tespmsi'Æ. The selector contractors/ transport towiessMl pey Tues irll.ded GST le'ied charges taxes. 5. TheTarcoaI 6. Papent*bemadeaftythesupptpflartoditstre. AJK.MR.t62.D.6-24 (Engr. Ishtiaq Ahmed) Executive Engineer PWD Highways Division Kotli Ph # 05826-920555 O Newspaper ( 04 Jun, 2024) from Nawaiwaqt dated 04 June, 2024
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