National Highway Authority Lahore Tender Notice for ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** "SAY TO CORRUPTION" GOVERNMENT OF PAKISTAN MINISTRY OF COMMUNICATIONS NATIONAL HIGHWAY AUTHORITY (PUNJAB-NORTH REGION, CENTRAL ZONE) RE.TENDER NOTICE FOR LOOK AFTER LAWNS & PLANTATION SERVICES l. HiV'way Autmcity Reamvitos Bids to proctre through sealed temer's taxes. The intetCSlL'd companies nujSt bC registered With Iltctne Tü and GST department 101 the followtlg services ic Re$anal attice Punjab-North NHA, tat•.aretar the periad me year mentioned In rer.aer S,No. OF SERVICES LOCATION MAINTENANCE Of LAWNS OFFICE (PUNJAB-NORTH! PLANTS RENTAL BASIS NHA, LAHORE 2. BiddilÄ3 by "Single age 3. Interested litmsempanes Should ottait!.aqndg• the Oltcc ot O,egaty Ciectot' Plfliilb-worth Cffvce or it ltCtn NHA W@bSite iA www.nhta.goup« in both cases by prow-dira Ugo-Retiunhat:ae in shape o' Pay orriæ.'Oernand Draft amounting to Rs, (Rupæs two thousand in favor of NHA Receipt Accounts Ptniab•north. Lanoce or Irccn NHA website tee at cost Earr,esl Mcney Rs.200,OCO'• (Beha&le) in the st"4e Bank Cider in tavor at "National Highway Authorny Maintenance Fund-Securitv Deposit)" accctnp•li.$hed with Technic:d Eid in oriai*l,) 4. Bidders cao damload dmwr•ents ticgn NFA website. The Bidders are atvised to visit tl•a site belote subaussjon at bids. dids su received NHA Reganal Olltce Corderecce Room.omre on June 21. until 1100 Hours. Bidders' l<'resentatives would be "AuthL'"t"' to sublfiit the Eid' whil@sublfiilti'ig b.idS. The envelope 'Technical Bid' will be opaled co sarce day at '130 Hours in the pteserce mejr autnorued reoreseotatives wt10 crvaose to attend. Seccod crwuopc iidNwnng *Financial Bid" tectM1ica»j• qualilied tower(s) Will ogcne,d the date 01 WIIICII Will commulit.ate•d alter *Zhlatøn 01 TL'ChfliC,al Bids. 5, The National Highway Alitf•orny reserves 10 accglt or reiegt am or appica'lions as bids as per rules-2004 (as 2008), 6, This Advetljs.emect is also avatawe on PPRA at GENERAL MANAGER (MAINTENANCE) PUNJAB.NORTH Ndignal Highway Aulharity — Ministry Corr«runicatiors S•nangur Il'tercnarqe, th0kffNtaz Bag, Road, Larore tel: 042-99232±6. fax: 042-9923%St. email: dirmant.ør.@ma qov.øk O ewspaper un, z , from Jang dated 04 June, 2024
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