Communication Works Physical Planning & Housing Department Kalat Tender Notice for ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** NOTICE INVITING TENDER The Ergheer Roacs CWPP&H Oegartrnet% Kalat imhtgs seago bds from eligit*e bidders who prove mi r as mention iO bidding dOturnor•tS for mentioned on BPPRA "'uktsite. The estimated cost ard other infcnnatjcn of wrks are as under: percentage tencer based on Sc:r.ecu'.e cd Rates 7f'å3, Gmemment ct Baluc:rvstan arrenoec interested äPPRA detS/G p•loag viSit Bid SEO'jrts 2% and Tender Fee AC C02716 for each work- SNO NamecdWork I CONSIRUCIICNOFBIROADFROVSCRJAMANOZAITOYOUSFZAI KHALICUAHEADCdSTRiCTOUAT. S. CONSTRUCTIONOFBTROADFROUSHEXHRAJABTOXIUSA.ROARZAIANOK',I 4. CONSTRUCTEONOFBTROAOOFKIU'OBÅLRAISANIKF-AUOABADOISTRJCT 6. CCNSTRUCTVONOFBTROAOOF JOWANROAOTOK TSE.232405435633i 7. CONSTRUCTICNOFBTR•OAOÉROUKIUTAKARI ZAXRAZ.M01StQ'CTKALAtTSE.Ü240S43S6 RHAUOABAD ICtF.ACAT ISTRICTKALAT I TOORAKZAI ILCCNSTRUCTIOUOFBTROÅOFR CAUSEWAY II.CONSTRUCTIONOFBT TSE.232405435093 SARUASTANTOJÅGSOR TTSE-2320S43S8S3. 12CCNSTRUCTlONOF8tROLO OUKOTLANGAUTOZAIBALOAUSK.AHLIO 13CCNSTRUCTlONOF TSE.Z32Q"35C03 AT SHAHI OARBARO'STRJCTKALAT 36,coo.oco 15,coo-oco 15.t000CO 48,523.810 45,moco 59809.524 49,880-oco Tecnric:ö and financial proposals from interding contracwsH:rrt5 sealed separates throcgt•. regs:eréHail to address mentioned beloa te%re procurement cccnmktee in fie presence af OiCders tipi' au±lceized Who choase to The Second sealed bids responsive *'qualified on the date. Bid subfiliSSiOfiJTender opening Oate 21/06.7024 BidS Validity: Ninety days Place: The place cd issuance, and aper,irg kill be - office the Executive Submission 21 EXECUTWE ENGINEER ROADS CWPP&H DEPARTMENT KALAT PRO Nd-275503.6.2024 c ews paper un, from Jang dated 04 June, 2024
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