Communication Works Physical Planning & Housing Department Harnai Tender Notice for ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** NOTICE INVITING TENDER The Executive Ergineer Road CWPP&H Oistra Hatmai invites sealed tender tased on sched1.Je rates the listed Voney if' Shape or call deposit, Fee Rs.5C•Of- in head a' account C-02716) Titr.e limit t 2 Months PSCP 2023-24 .CO ISE.Z3U06U6623 UACXTOPROAOATMANAGÅ'NAZh4SAODAR.'OlSTRlCTHARNAJPSOP 3 made order gaJOChistan Pubbc Contraaor must have valid regstrat;an with P*istan autrotib•es ie. (NtN, BRA and Tax Department). in lüva.nt Category with tax cave. two Years Relievar.t wcek Experor•ce. eomptexity Computed in lastOS Years. Samear Naturågtgoac Carnraco mt less jt%ol Bid COSI COOtC'tetCd 05 years. NOte• (01 S t' one Single contract, sumate•d up v•ueofdtt contracts) CertJfÆd Wb'k ard successful cornp•mce-t ceescates are 'to be projects in Road WOO. rot *ess than cost ICenjfi order reauted to VEVHOD OF PROCUREMENT; - One en SECURITY tid security in forn of car deposit or acantee of specified abov•e ir the r•ame cd a tjatu. TENDER DOCUMENTS: from the office of urdet:sigrM-iVi' Dayr-tert ( ran refundable) bidding documents fee through rt nrough Harnat in ary branch of NBPH ' NIT and bidding can bc dC•wrdoaded from atove aganstscneme. ISSUANCE OÉTENOER OOCUMENTS; issued OF BID SUBMISSION: TENDER OPENNING: cpertec on 21 PM in of uncery,grted before peo:urem.ert conyniltee in PLACEOFlSSUANCEANOSUEMlSSIONWILLØE;.Adtress; Executive Road CWPP&H Harnai BIO VALIDITY PERIOO: O.ays. TERMS ANO CONOITIONS; TOTT"S and are mentiar•td I•ncorpc€üdl dCtaÜ in • bidding documents. A cuccl aebiddingprocessatany time pricrtoaccepta•nceof proposal. as EPPRA, 3314. EXECUTIVE ENGINEER ROAD CYFP&H DEPARTMENT DISTRICT PRO No.276@'03-6-20Q4 c ews paper un, from Jang dated 04 June, 2024
Send us WhatsApp Msg to Activate Tender Service : 03441423583
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