Capital Dvelopment Authority Khanpur Tender Notice for ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** Capital Development Authority #HumCDA (Khanpur Oam Division} INVITATION FOR BIDS (IFB) l, the Capga.l gevec•pment ',uth0fltY' percenta.* on cast "am Ccrtra.ctotsdim•vs duty enlislßli '"4th Pakt5,Yi Engineelirg Cc•unc• (PECI in appropriate category & cede and havrjg vald PEC licenses and also regiqerec A'tih Income lax & Sales Tax Cepartments who can thege•ligibdityancqualification as rnemoneti 1/7 lhe8iddtrg Occumenllar he fallowing progcts. NAME Rs. t FOR WATER SAFWAN'. 2. Biding docunæntsamavaåNeonPPRÅE•PAßSgona1andshall Director Oam Street and Detail ot items are mentioned bidding tocuments. rchased'ramlheoffice cd Oeputy G-6,'4. to upon ubmiSSion cd application with a non• ble {Rupees five cast) itteng cost tne rrects nc,us on or tetore gil'#ldatc andtin•e a. onw PPRA as vendors ate eligible øutcrase bidding 4. lender favor ot Director copy Bid ITOCJ 18WM). CDAalongwilhtt'*Oid. 5. The prospectiue bidders Of Public R C.CIA. Ihe pecspectiee bidders snail scanneø S and "ill te subfl'itttd to c' Oito:tor required to submit theil 8idS online through E•PÅOS at •n accoraaocewth ct 360" and tewns S conetons detred the bidirg diluments must be 6, The Bids "illbe comrmttee theothcegt bliciy on same day at 12:00 the presence gf procurement tzed choose to the sessce€l to oe Item at 8WU}.COA0ihce Nod, G•6td. Islamabad. 7. Thé Firn • unsutGtar:oted or inconect irtdorntabO'1 ale liable to tega.l action ard disqualification 8. TheÅuthortyreservestherighucteiectaIltheapp5cationsasperPPRARuIes2C104. (MUHAMMAD ADNAN YUNUS) Director Bulk Water Management. COA (MUHAMMAD TAIMUR CHUGHTAI) nRrn nivisinn_ 051-9244747 O Newspaper ( 04 Jun, 2024) from Jang dated 04 June, 2024
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