Pakistan Public Works Department Bannu Tender Notice for ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** GOVERNMENT OF PAKISTAN PAKISTAN PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT NOTICE INVITING TENDER Seage tenders percentage rate basis Icot incrvidud items} are hereby invited foc the works mentor.ect bewev from lhe approved PEC registered Contractors dcty renewed for the cu financial year 2023-24. Tender docunw.ts can be received fro,m the office of the undersigned during offico on any day cn payment of tenect cost I Nan-Rofun•fiblo) to wit. written recaiest on pad acrorrrpanied with copy CHIC. iav Certificate active taxpayer (filen Tenders be issued to the croprietc« of the Firm iComgany or leaaty authorized remesentatives having registered meter of attorney (duly attested}. The tendersin sealed caver s&ould be reccoed in the tero box kept in the c'fice of undersigned on 21J06t2024upto 2:00 Pm and the tenders becgenedon same day at infre Of representatives , regtsteted Of attorney. The f0115i'ijng rnaybe read true and SPitit BS in case a•ryoft'tese. lhe tender forms not be issued. The documents under mentioned nut accornpanied the avplicatjons. fahng which no be •sued. TERNS&CONOITIONS. 1} 2} 3} 4} 5} 6} 7} No ter&will besoldl issuedon c'te"rs. NO tenchtwill be issued if tecxived tetegrapti ot E-Mal. According to PPRA Rue-25, Sid Security as Stated against in Shape CCRC* deposit be lumist•ed from any scheduled Bara in the narne of Executive Ecqineer. Central Ci'd Division. Pak Bannu. No Willbe entertained without bid security asstated against each workor less anunt. Tcndus can bo purchased an tho prcsctibcd cost (Non•cfundabto) Cash against thc below notcd wons from he ofte c' he undersigned dur•ngof6ce hours upt020%2024. Ail CORG once received rnay be credited into the a ISL 2nd, 3rd, IC,westbidders CORmay be retained WI acceptancecd The antiguouswill lapprcviate asw rulesar,dlaw• through Government Cheque. in Offake one, the firmwill immediate 8} Tender Notice is 9'} l..lndet Rules 330) cd *.jblic Procurement Rajes, reserves fight to reject all bids proposals at any prior to C' bid Ct 10) The submiSSiCtn of tenders by the fully conversant with Site scope and and ccmti•onsas laid down in thetencter Notec, In case of any podic holiday or surprise 24-06-2024 an sametime. Of Work of free 'Ndersiw,ed the schedüle of closing & openirg will be on Money f Bid Period of Amount 5082657 5082657 5082657 3399162 19473046 Security amount 102000 102000 102000 389500 Con•vpletion 02 Months 02 Months 02 Months Months 02 Cost of Ten der II'StaIlat)trt 01 energy well at m'isjcn%irnashäh TibdDiSthCt North Waziristan (WuTO) Installatimof based Well at Sub 2- OivisicnRazn•aÅ TiibalOistrictNodhWaziristan Installatixt of S&rfnergy based Well at Sub 3. OivisimMiraiiTribalOisVic1Not1hWaziristan NV/TD Cstatdishment of MCII Centre a: GO Ahmed Kot District 4. gannue, tettgilBa,V.a Khel, District aannu Construction of 02 NosCommvnityCentreatvvious tehsil Sari NaurarqDistfictLakkiMamat 1 .fA} Construction ot Community Centre at Hammad Muslim 5- aagh'Nar Sahib Khan Ostrictuakki Marwat. 2-1B}:- Constructin Of Curwtunity Centre Sohaib Khan Mat* rown Marna K"QI teisil Suai Nwang Cistrict Lakki Mamat (A*a) EXECUTIVE ENGINEER Central Civil Division Pak PWD Bannu O Newspaper ( 04 Jun, 2024) , from Mashriq dated 04 June, 2024
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