National Database & Rejistration Authority Islamabad Tender for ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** GOVERNMENT OF PAKISTAN MINISTRY OF INTERIOR NADRA HEADQUARTERS ISLAMABAD INVITATION OF BID PROCUREMENT OF IRIS SCANNERS AND BIOMETRIC TABLETS TENDER NO. NADRA-HQ-RFB- 109/2024 Katjcnat dübase Regisvaticn INA.OR.A}. Whistry C' Irteri$&bdquo of Paesan sealed bds having valiC tegsratao IrxgmeTax8Sa5es Tax wmareActivoTaxga,ers List f8R rct iterns. Item Kame IRiS z 3Sometrc Tatlets TYE dc&bullaøments cctltSn detailed Sgecificaton. Quantity C.coditjcens fort'S ftv 2, 3, 5, 6, padcipatirgin The Bid Occus mitten request co Bidders offcial lettet addreo to Head o! Department INACR,A & Stores) at Mdress fro-n to 1600 PM (Vmaay to Friday} upoo a fee Rs. Cd Tender gee nn be '"Mde through Bank Deposit Stip.ip NADRA Headquarters. Account* NAORAaffoawe&bullbsite for tidders be frccn anycost, Ruxes 3SC'&bull-adeoral (ccurier to be deposited, by out gatianed biddes the purpose purchase o' gaffng Occuments. The get Of Bidding Oocun&bull.ent be send viiCéu:ier Serkces, Request sarne must reach at Eeast 07 wot*irtg days date o' any dotayliabdityc,anratbO eairned. All vendors are to vovide request for issuance of documents onccengany tetterhé&d inti.qg o' authorized representative (Nam.c Oesjgnatjctl) lot øresenceat ter#.ryening," the timecd tender repn&bull.ustpassessæ-ngany&bull emcsayeocacge The bids , in accordance with ins"uctors in bidding docurnentS must reach at address oncttefOt01t:tOAN houtson 24th Bgs Will becpened on the same day at It30AM hcurs, ThiS advertises&bullrgnt is also available on PPRAwebste at NADRA reserves the right to reject all the bids as pet Rule 33 of PPRA 2004. PROCUREMENT DEPARTMENT NADRA HQ NADRA RHO Building (Ground Floor) 30 &bull Mauve Area G-10/4, Islamabad &bull 44000. 051-90392856 | Fax 051-9108188 c ewspaper un, , from Thenews dated 04 June, 2024
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