Sukkur Municipal Corporation Sukkur Auction Notice for ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** SUKKUR MUNICIPAL CORPORATION No: SMC/Tax/154 of 2024 Sukkur Dated: 09-05-2024 AUCTION NOTICE In compliance ot the order passed by the Honorable High Court of Sindh Bench at Sukkur under CIP No: 0-79 of 2011 (1) Shop along with Basement Godown, & (04) Flats situated at cs. No. O-$/IA Minata Road SukkUr are available for open Auction on monthly rental basis, The interested Parties / Persons / Firms are invited to participate in the open auction which will be held on 24-06-2024, 25-06-2024 & 26-06-2024 at 11:00 AM in the "A1-Mehran Culture Center Sukkur- on the ter ms and conditions which can be seen and obtained at/from the office of irector Taxes. Sukkur Municipal Cot poration during office h $. TERMS & CONDITIONS The detail of Municipal Shop (for commerci Flat for residential purpose situated C.S. N u pose) and å/1A Minara Road Sukkur are as under:- ETAI OF MU ICIPA U AVAILABLE F OPEN AUCT ON Bid Security equal to (03) Amount 1. 2. a. 4. 5. 6. Sr. 01 02 03 04 05 Unit Shop along with Basement Godown Flat 1st Floor Flat 2nd Floor Flat ard Floor Flat 4th Floor To patticipate in the Open Auction 01 Shop applicant must be a Business Owner reflecting in his NTN, (Copy of NTN must be attached). To participate in the Open Auction of Shop, applicant must be an Active Taxpayers ot FBR and attach Active Taxpayer List (ATL) showing his her name which shall not be later than (15) days for the date of submission of application. Applicant must possess valid CN IC in original to par tjcipate in the Open Auction. Applicant has to submit Undenaking or Affidavit on Non- Judicial Stamp Paper worth Rs. 100/- in original that if he / she is found successful in the Open Auction he/she will use the premises as per terms & conditions of Sukkur Mu nicipal Corporation and pay monthly rent on 5th day ot every calendar month. Flats are for purely residential purpose. Shop + Basement is available for any Legal Business putpose as permitted under Government of Pakistan / Government of Sindh etc. The Sukkur Municipal Corporation reserves the rights 50.000/- 20 20,000': 20 20.000/- monthly rent 60 ,oocv- 60 ,ooo/- 60 ,DOO/- 60 SOOO/- The Bid Security must be prepared in shape of Called Deposit/ Pay Order in favour of "Sukkur Municipal Corporation" from any scheduled Bank ot Pakistan other than the name stated above will not be entertained and not allowed to participate in Open Auction O Newspaper ( 04 Jun, 2024) to reject one or all bids of participants without assigning any reason, cause etc, The decision of Council./Competent Authority shall be final and binding upon all participants and not challengeable in any Court of Law. MUNICIPAL COMMISSIONER Sukkur Municipal Corporation INF'KFIY 1 gocv24 from Dawn dated 04 June, 2024
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