Police Department Lahore Tender Notice for ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** TENDER NOTICE FRAME CONSTRACT FINANCIAL YEAR 2024-25 puce Oeønr,ertt (Ogeratjoos Lance} seam teasers Contract) base." Procur Niles 2014. reutEd financer "rms. with SüS Tar PurW SüS apotC&J ard Tac tw me neat ot SR. 2. 3. HEAD OF ACCOJNTS OtrersCo•vid rerts AD9601.Puntawctit-*ty Grant cost) ESTIMATED COST 150,mooo 50.oco,coo 50.0M," 250, The total estiff*0d cost c' Of rnet•t'tjoneoe'd.s, acCÜfl work Ctrtract) RS. tSO,000.0W• Bid must be ot accwrtt• NO • shal condac•ted (Save Stne•tøo as gecc:eøns specified PPRA 2014 open to a" ewe as defi•.$ terøers auressec to Inspectcc Genet* c' Police. Operations. La.h«e. beggceivet *125.062024 t" 1100 11:30 ot bidders Otfice„ terøer docurnntss tetrtz etc. •e from Ofte Cd DIG•0ps, District Ccgts.. large during ottc:e 'O.C6.2024to C' RS. Ot each head Ct Chatan Fmtrn 32-A dewsited uru$er •Head CO.?6Q.Pca.ce.Otrers• NO' ot Pa,kjst.m reseræd to t*Ct a.' bidS Ct gttWOS*S in Deputy Inspector General of Police Operations, Lahore. 04289211544-46 IPL.5266 O Newspaper ( 04 Jun, from Dunya dated 04 June, 2024
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