National Highway Authority Lahore Tender Notice 1 for ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** "SAY NO CORRUPTION" GOVERNMENT OF PAKISTAN MINISTRY OF COMMUNICATIONS NATIONAL HIGHWAY AUTHORITY (PUNJAB-NORTH REGION, CENTRAL ZONE) RE.TENDER NOTICE FOR LOOK AFTER LAWNS & PLANTATION SERVICES 1.'COl Hi$tway Ai.motity Bits to s.e:ü3 terøet&bulls taxes. mnteresteoco.moaraes rmst te rostege&bull: andGS1 dem.'trr.enttor tne 101bwr.g services iO 9.oonal aree NHA, iS m.ergjcoeø tende OF SERVICES MAINTENANCE Of uwns *DOOR PLANTS ON BASIS tortne LOCATION OFFICE 2, be carrÉdwtbyadop1iro "Single StageTÉo Envelopes" procedlre, 3. Interested should docutnelts office ot Directc« Punjab-NOIth it tom website ili both cases tees il 01 ctderjoernand arnaurtjrtg RS.2.W&bull onto. ill taot' NHA ROtept AC.couttS Punjab-Nce&bullth. Larue or oawraoant'rom NHA wasite (www.råxgov.ok) tree ot cost tarrest Money fis200,00CV- n me Oralt*ay Orty Iavar or &bullnational Higrtway Authority Najrttenance Fund-Securitr Deposit)" with Tecnnica in can t<di docurne'ts NHA The Bidders are to ViSÄ thi sae betore setmjstion bid'. BidS Shill be rece-ö/éd in NHA utiCe Cmtereoce Room. June 21. 2024 unw 1100 HOE*'S. Bidders' weseatams wcukl be requred'touesentü'* to Bid* wtwe bids. emacoe Bid' be 00 day at 1130 Hoers tne preserve ot cg wesentatn&bulles may croase ta ewdcge "financial cd techrica& qualifiBt be fre date be cccrnunitated alte evatuatjcll cd Tec*lical 3dS. Hi*rway reservQS tigtfl to Ct reject or &bullpaca.sons as bids as (as TWS iS a.lSO avai*bk PPA webste at GENERAL MANAGER (MAINTENANCE) PUNJAB-NORTH NÜcaal Highway Authctity &mdash Miristry of Smnpur Irtecnarqe, Maz Road. Lam.&bulle O Newspaper ( 04 Jun, 2024) from Dunya dated 04 June, 2024
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