National Database & Registration Authority Islamabad Tender Notice for ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** GOVERNMENT OF PAKISTAN MINISTRY OF INTERIOR NADRA HEADQUARTERS ISLAMABAD INVITATION OF BID PROCUREMENT OF IRIS SCANNERS AND BIOMETRIC TABLETS TENDER NO NADRA-HQ-RFB- 109/2024 National datat:ese Reestratjm Auth3tit" INADRAJ, MiltiStty 01 Interor, af P*ßtan E&bulldS 01010 bidders i e. having regtstrabm Inatr.e Sales who veÅctrge (ATL}orthe FBR Ice sußyct Jterrs Iletn Name scarrers Tablets he tid d0ÄJs cortain dteued Scotific.at00, I Quantity , Cowticns tld Ictrns (cg 2. 3. 4. 5. 6, penjcipetog.n treSd. (oamøete"t.i oeøurcttasedby netiidderucona 00 offc:ial heat to tne al Depm&bullnent "NAORA Procurement & Stores) at given a$ress from. 10 IEOJ to Friday) & upon payrnefit of a ron.tefu.rda.t:æ fee of Rs. cd docurnent fee Vvough Deposit Slip AtTitje Headqua.negs,Account$ the from gpyp* Rucees ICüJt'ie,r ) to be eepasite,d. by tho stator." bidders purpose to pvthase Cd Biddttg Tt&bullte te set Of Docurnent wit be send &bullurier Sewices. Requee sarne musi reach at least 07 woringdays he fore clcs date of Tender: else any de&bully liatditycarnc&bullt climed. the vendors ate it&bulltdOd' presence employee to ørovite &bullssuanceot tertøer dccurcerttS 01 authO'tze&bulld representative (Name Oesjgnatanj fet . At timece tender opening company rep company The bids. in Ecordance with the instructicns bidding documents must reach at te:rw montarted"drcssonctoclarc t t:00AM hourscn Bids 'Aill oceaed an the sæne day at 11:30AM POI'S. This at"'ortisement iS "o avatable on PPRA webSd@ at www.ppca..gcgok NADR,A reserves the to reject all bds as Rule 33 of PPRA PROCUREMENT DEPARTMENT NADRA HQ NADRA RHO Building (Ground Floor) 30 &bull Mauve Area 6-10/4, Islamabad &bull 44000. Telephone: 051-90392856 | Fax 051-9108188 O Newspaper ( 04 Jun, 2024) from Dunya dated 04 June, 2024
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