Gomal Zan Irrigation Division Dera Ismail Khan Tender Notice for ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** NOTICE INVITING E-BIDDING SINGLE STAGE SINGLE ENVELOPE PROCEDURE Gomal Zam Irrigation Division DIKhan Irrigation Procurement Departnent, Government of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, invites electronic Bids from the eligible firms i contractors in accordance with KPPRA procurement rules 2014 on single stage single envelope procedure for the followi ng works: • S NaneofV%ü/SubWctk EICost in Rs SDuty& TBIder Fee PEC Code ADP NO CONSTRUCTION OF FLOOD IRRIGATION CHANELS APO PONDS AbO INSTALLATION OF SOLAR IRRGATION TUBE *LLS IN KHYBER PAKHTU'KHWA OF 5 NOS SOLAR IN 2 3 4 5 6 d I Irri*ltjcn in Gara Tdmsi Kdæti Ctsütt OlF,hm. af & cawesation iMo Tte WOI it Cccstnr;tizn Purp hbuse & I Illigå:n Tibe in Koda Cisbict ülKHa". ai toe & cawesdim irto Onti'tctjcnd & WAI etc Imtdaticn I r•b.Sdar Wdl in at Murat Pathm Ctstitt Tark (üilng of bye & ccnæsatjcn imo Tighe Ccrstndb'l Y-bl,ge & InsVlaticnaf 1 TLZe in at t.b.eaHdhda District OKhm (C1iirg ct roe & VA it Ccnstnztjonci Hose & u etc I "b SdÜ LEI n Keth Disbict of toe & cccwsatcn Tike 8733 8343 g 333 8153 8153 81.65 188115 184260 184260 1676410 CE-04 CE-04 Pose & d Bacci Btrd t'dæ.ir 014m etc ADP NO mi 11140537 12023-24) CONSTFWCTIONOF IRRGATIONI YELLS UFT IRRGATION ON BASIS IN 7 Installation of Solar Based Irigaåan Tube Well at Village Kot Dolat Tehsil Kulathi District OIKhan, prilling Of bore hole conversation 10307 into Tube Well i/c pump House g Boundary Wall etc} Terms &Conditi00$ tor E-Biddioq CE04 2. 3- 4- 5- 6- 7. 8- 9- Bidding Solicitation Documents including instruction to bidders, can be downloaded from Irrigation Department Website iroqation.qkp and KPPPRA Cial Website, Bid documents are to be submittedbytheinterestedbldders„ The bidder shall submit their bids through leading cour rvice on or before the deadline along with required documents as per detail mentioned in bids n documents. ElectronicBid shallbe doneon "above/below" s 300/Engineeresiimate. Venue of Bids Opening is Executive Engineer Zam Irrigation Division DIKhan. Ifthe evaluated electronic bid casts of two bidders are equal, then the successful bidder will be declared through draw toss. Two percent (02%) Bad Security/Earne ey+Stamp duty + Tender Feeof the Estrnatedcost from the account of firm/ bidder/ contra o submits the bid must be accompamed with the tender Executive Engineer, Gomal Zam document / Quotation through eduled bank in favor of Irrigation Division, DIKha e to submit the COR will lead to rejection of the bid. The bldders who quote thel s/ rates more than 10% below on Engineer's Estimate shall submit additional security asper PRANotification No. SR O (14)/ Voll 1-24/2021-22, dated 10-05-2022 Bid security of the 1st: nd 3rd lowest electronic bidder for the specific walk maybe retained by the Department till one after issuance of LOA All the bidders firmsinustbe registerwith the Khyber Pa khtunkhwa RevenueAuthority. 10- All the prevailingKPPRAActs / Rules and other Government Notificatton will be appdicable, issued from time to time. 11- Funds release depends upon pollCY of Provincial Government; hence payment will be made accordingly. Bidder / Contractor agreeing with the financial constraints in respect of payment etc are at liberty to participate in the instant E-diddlng as no claim whatsoeverwillbe entertai ned in this regard, 12- The Last date & time Submission of the Bid along with relevant documents is 25/06/2024 up to 12:00 PM which will be opened an the same day at 1230 PM in the office of the undersigned in presence ofContractor an d their representatives who wishes to attend. 13- All Government notifications Iru les 'taxes implemented from time to time s hall be applicable. 14- Any further information regarding the above tender can be obtained from offce ofthe undersigned on any working day prior to bid cpening date 15- The employer has the authority to rejectanybidor all the bids assigning cogent reasons. EXECUTIVE ENGINEER GOMAL ZAM IRRIGATION DIVISION DIKHAN Address; Gornal Zam Irrigaüon Division OIKhan opposite Peshawar High Court Circuit OIKhan Telephone & Fax Number 0966-9280336. (E-mail Add: [email protected] c ews paper un, from Aaj dated 04 June, 2024
Send us WhatsApp Msg to Activate Tender Service : 03441423583
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