District & Session Court Buner Tender Notice for ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** Office of the District & Sessions Judge, Buner TENDER NOTICE Sealed tenders are invited form registered firms / suppliers for supply and installation of the following items in the office of the District & Sessions Judge gunner at Daggar for financial year 2023-24. 2 3 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. c Items Plant & Machinery Equipment's Hardware Items Estimated Budget 2500000/. goooooo/. 500000/- Call Deposit 50000/. 160000/1 1 OCOO/- Items / Specification 1.5 Ton split A.C Inverter, 1 Ton split A.C Inverter Dry Batteries for Solar system 200AH with warranty Lithium Batteries far solar system 300AH Server Machine for Sessions Headquarter far CFM'S Installation including networking in two new Courts & Oigitization Cell Server Machine for Tehsil Judicial Complex Totalai fdt CFMIS Installation including networking in 04 newly constructed courts in Tehsil Judicial complex Totalal Heavy Duty Scanners External SSD Drive ITB, IJSB 3.2/3,0 above, Gen 02 tugs IOGgps1, Lap Latest Generation Desktop System Latest Generation LED for Oesktap system Heavy Duty Printer LaserJet Quantity 04 08 02 01 01 02 02 04 04 TERMS & CONDITIONS Allthe firms must be registered with FBR, l. Tax and Sale Tax (must be active) and the bidders are required to must attached the relevant documents of taxes with their documents. Taxes and other due deductions will be male as per rules. The tenders should reach to the officeof undersigned on or before 1906.2024 by 11:00 AM. which will be opened on the same day at 11:30AM in the office of undersigned in presence ofthe bidders br their representatives. Tenders received after the due date and time shall not be ente The tenders shall be submitted to the undersigned.either personally or through registered post and the envelope be markedÄehders for supply/installation of (names of items)". The items will be procured Its quality dully selected by the procurement committee as per KPPRÅrules 6, All the bidders applying for$$tallation/supply of Server Machines and networking in new Courts mu 'sit the offce of the undersigned before quotation of rates. An amount of Rs: 2% Call peposit of the bid as earnest money in the name of undersigned shall be afå hed with the tender & the tenders without call deposit shall notbe teriamed. The successful bidde hall be required to supply/install the items within 15 days positively aft$ihe issuance of supply order. Failure in supply/lnstall or the items within thésti pulated period shall entail forfeiture of the ea rnest money. The quoted be valid upto 30106.2024. QuantityE ired can be increased or decrease lookingto demand and budget available. Issuance of tender and purchase of items will be subject to availability offunds from Peshawar high Court, Peshawar. The authority reserves the right to accept or reject all or any of the tenders with assigning the reason. The Bidding documents containing detailed specifications and terms and conditions can be obtained from Accounts Branch District Courts, Buner during office hours or can be downloaded from official website ie. before date of tender opening. Chairman Purchase Committee Session Court Buner INF(P) 1175124 ewspaper un, from Aaj dated 04 June, 2024
Send us WhatsApp Msg to Activate Tender Service : 03441423583
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