Ministry Of Narcotics Control Rawalpindi Tender Notice for ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** TENPER NOTICE GOVERNMENT OF PAKISTAN MINISTRY OF NARCOTICS CONTROL HEADQUARTERS ANTI NARCOTICS FORCE RAWALPINDI This organization requites sealed tenders trom interested" canabte G.ST HObder Fitrns Organtatonst venters tor fouowing items. Listcan be obtained from this Headquarters oncash paymentor Rs, 3000.00 against eacn item:• a. C, d. 1. i. k. m. torFirstÅidRo•om Security Equipments Accesso.qes, Repait od *'b'dtaulic Sysem & Accessches / Gate Railing System Accessories, liveSt0Ck & Aids 10tCanine Centge Oors Medicine Machinegy, Plant and Equipments wah repair Uniform Items" Accessories" PiitMing Of Against Generalttems Toners Printers ihC!udingRefÆing OOO'S Feed Stationery hems Arrangements Tentage, Catering torVarious FunctionsAqainst OtugAbQjsc Gemeral Terms & Condilioms in SEALED ENVELOPE NAMCO categaty latest tencerwlll accepted aftercut down catganø tvne. The bits Will beooenedon the same date at ill lhe presence desirous biddegs orthejr rentesentatives. All the orcoosats and Vites Shill remain valid Upto June 2025101 the tinamid year 20242025 ftom tlve CIDSjng date o' the prcposaVtendev, All inthe proposa shall be Pakistan Rupees (PKR). The is hereby ittormetl that the Government Shaw deduct tax at the rate peescribed under the tax laws o' Pakistan. fromawpa;ments torsetVicesrenøeteø Signs a contract theGovernment The quoted pricesh0Nld Government taxes. The Bidders toe durati0fl011ftlivery ot equipment awatd0tcontratt, Only technical details without mentioninqthe financial aspect o' the olferwutd be enclosed with essential literature/ brochure and financial,' technical bids bc acceptedon depositing ot the required samples. All pt;btcaliaa. catalogues and tecttr•tical manual bg yuppl'eø free cost the at request HOAnti Narcotics Force. oontattath condition wdh bid and dontrepresent anytitmothet utan your own. All may keening ot market. Nocotumnt0beleltbtankin theguotations. Proposals shall be delivered by hard courier so asto reach address given below closing da:e and time. PROPOSAL ACCEPTE The successful bidderwilIlW.•etO supplylhe items aspetcematld linegiven bYthiS Office, tailing whith such biddet Shall untet embargo 'Or a whiCttmay be extent' u year and earnest mauywill in 'avow HOAnti Narcotics Force. Rawalpindi. HO Narcotics Force, Rawalpindi resenesthe to of a bid proposal. The ptocunnq agency gall u submitted a Oid proposal, the graunc tor ds or proposal at anytmennortotheacceptance communicate to any *Ipplier or contraeot who bids or paposals, but is required iostify those A bid inth•e ShåD* a Bank Draft/' Pay name 01 HO Narcotics Force, Rawalpittdi amounting to Rs. (Rupees one hundred th"ttd lor each category (Rerundible) shoulC be submitted alonvwith tendeg as Security Deposit. Photocopy Bank Otalt Rs. ICO. progosaV0ids. Samples allitemsexcept Samples supplied States wi! original pay Older/ bank draft may also be attached wdh financial will be by thug COCItraCtOt, frao•n laboratory (as artd requited) and Charges will be paid Note; concerned frrm. willbe alooqwith samples. Bidders are bmnd to praete briginat apvoved items fas agøroved advance sample} lor FY 2023-24. In case 0' provision native item HO Anti Narcotics face. Rawa'pin,di reserves the to retwn thesame item b*ingsubstand Documents requargd Certilicate with Ot Cert Of Registered Of Pharmacy Aid & [hp•Medicines} previous years work (Experience Details) Certificate stamp paper tnat tne firm" contractot nas been Otacklisted and there is co casc litigation against fir w contractor, Jun 2024) NO Objection Certi'itate {NOC) trom concerned Offices Instiültjon where iS working Since last two yews, thatthe is witable is rocase pending withvendoflcontractu. HO Narcodics Force Ra•walpindi will announce the results cl bids evalL/Nion in the form of a report givümg justification for acceptance at rejection leastten days award alter Bidders will have theit01'iCE/ firm address wdh landline & mobile The tender iS &ISO availibte PPRA'S webSite Contact Details Name: Major Hassan Khan, Deputy mrector (Admin) HO Anti Narcotics Force Wavel Lines, Opposite Nur Khan Air Base Chaklala, Rawalpindi PID (1) No.7463/23 O ewspaper Phone: Email [email protected] un, from Thenews dated 03 June, 2024
Send us WhatsApp Msg to Activate Tender Service : 03441423583
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