Ministry Of Narcotics Control Rawalpindi Tender Notice in Jang newspaper of 03 June, 2024 and more Tenders and Auction Ads of Ministry Of Narcotics Control Rawalpindi Tender Notice ( NARCON ) 2024 published in Pakistani newspaper or PPRA |
Ministry Of Narcotics Control Rawalpindi Tender Notice for ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** GOVERNMENT OF PAKISTAN MINISTRY OF NARCOTICS CONTROL HEADQUARTERS ANTI NARCOTICS FORCE RAWALPINDI gesg(iptigp ms organization requites sealed tenders from interested" capable G.S.T Holder Firms Organizations;' Venders for folivwing items. Headquarters on cash payment adRs. 3000.00 againsteacn item.'- b. c. d. e. h. i. i. k, m. Medicines torFißtAitRoom Security Equipments '/' Accessories. Reøajr ot Hydraulic System & Accessories Gate Railing System 8. Accessones. Live Stoc' Canine Centre Oogs Medicine ftrmtureltems Machinery. Plant and Equipmentswilh repait uniform AtceSSOtiE'Si' 3001 Plinting of Materials Against Drugs abljse General Items Toners Printers inclijding Refilling Feed Stationery Arrangements0fTentage. Catering toruarjous Functjons Agajnst Drug Abuse SEALEO ELOPE WITH category latest 20 Juo 2024 before 1100 hours. No tender will be accepaed after cut down date and time. The bids Will opened on tng same date at troe presence of tyesiroljs bidders ortheit reptesentams. All the proposals pnces Shalt rematn valid 30 June 2025 tne year 202412025 tram the cosing date 0" the tender. All currency in the proposal shall be quoted inPüiStan Runees (PAR). The bidder is hereby indormed that the Government shall deduct tax at the rate prescribed under the laws ot pakJStan, r:tC1t'l a;' payments tat byat'l'i who Signs a the The quoted price include Governmenttaxes. The 8iCßers should cleartyindicate lheduration ot delivery of ewipmemafterthe award 01 contract. tecnnical dews without meetltionil'tg the financial aspect ot offer would be enclosed Wdh essential literature/ bids on required samples. All publication. catalogues ancl technical manwal will be supplied tree Of cost by the swpßljer at the request a/ HO Anti Narcotics Force. Dontattach any conditionwith otter and revesentany firm otherthan own. All pcicesma'i be quoted keeping in view 01 market Nocalumntobeleftblankin the wotations. Shall be delivered or courier SO as the address Qi"'en belOW t'OSing date tjrne. PROPOSAL FAX OR EMAIL SHALL NOT ACCEPTE The the items as perdemand bidder shall under embargo for a period, which may be extend e •neqi•ænbythis office. failing which such year and aamest money will be forfeited in HO Alti Narcotics reserves figm to a bid at proposal. The øcocuring agency Shan ds at proposal at acceptance t tom•nuracate any supplier or contractor 'Who submitted abidorøroposal.thegnund toritsrei ti no: those grounds. A bitbo,nd, intheshapeofa BankOratVPav0 er themameotHQAntiNarcotics Force. Rawalpindi amounting to Rs- IRugees one l,htend only} tat each category {Retundat:ye) Should be sut)trattea alongWi1h Security Deposit. Photocopy dank Oraft tog Rs, 100,00 pay order/ bank draft may also be attached wth linantiäl propos.aVbidS. Samplesclall items excegtoners'A es willbeprovidedbythecontrac:tar. Samples,' supplied stores by firm, t abora.,t Bidders are bound to item being wbstand from recognued 'anaratary las and when requir4 and charges will be P*id dejOSited •girta] approved items (as approved advance saml*) 'or FY 2023-24, Iti case Iternatjve item HO Antj Narcotics Force, Rawalpindi reserves the riqht return the same documentsreqviredfiom ontractoßtirmsareasunder:• Dr Certificate with Affiliation Of Registered 01 Pharmacy First Aid & dicines) of previovsfiveyearswod (Experience Certdicate on stunp paper thal tf'± contractor has not been blacklisted and there is ro case a' liliqatna against contraeor. 10 CMDficate INOCI from concernec Office; Institutor. Where fitm is worWng since last two years. that litm there iS no case pending wilh •get'IdOf/COCitraCtCt, HO Anti NStCOtiCS Force. Rawalpindi Will announce the results bidS evalw.atjon in 01 a giving justification foracceptance or rejectionof bids leasttendays priorto theaward of procurementcontract, Noftnancial 'technical bids will be accepted date and time. Bidders Will their oflice/lirrn address Witn number. Ine tender iS alsoavai'*ble atPPfiA's webSite Contact Details Name: Major Hassan Khan, Deputy Director (Admin) HO Anti Narcotics Force Wavel Lines, Opposite Nur Khan Air Base Chaklala. Rawalpindi PID No-7463/23 Phone: 051-9270173. Fax: 051-9270165 www.anf.qov.pu. Email: [email protected] O Newspaper ( 03 Jun, 2024) from Jang dated 03 June, 2024
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