Pakistan Air Force Kalabagh Tender Notice for ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** PAKISTAN FORCE OPEN TENDER NOTICES SEALED TENDERS ARE INVITED BY THE FOLLOWING BASES 1 UNITS FOR THE SUPPLY I PURCHASE REPAIR OVERHAULING OF MENTIONED ITEMS. oue&bulltng CAT NO 01 4369399-43 of MS sion Pfanr.h9 Test Stabon Item 01 EA.Var 20-06-24 Within03nwnthsafter 1030hs Rs stgnn&bull9 of contact 1100 Hrs Contact Person Ph No for Detail: For S. No 1 AOP-43 (Pre) 051-9281363 CORRIGENDUMOFEWRIESPUBUSHEDINNEWSPAPERS PPRAWEBSITE s, NO 01 459713/P45 mendm&bullent} NOUN Amendmei FOR READ PUBLISHED IN NEWSPAPERS REMARKS 10-06-24 03-06-24 Daly Ausaf Oady Nation Opening date has cc. 27+24 been amended s. NO CANCELLATION OF ENTRIES PUBLISHED IN NEWSPAPERS/ PPRA WEBSITE Amenement in oate PUBLISHED IN NOUN FOR READ NEWSPAPERS REMARKS The ease has 01 436824/P43 (Cancellation) _MW Lnkཎack Nath"' Dt 27-0524 been cancelled 'PAF -GEM/ Download 'Contral Insttuetions OP{Air) Supphers (10t guidelines to participate in tender) PAF LAHORE (LOG) Local purchase of Recurnng Items through Annual Agreetrent KY 2024-25, ltültabon cd Bid. Lcs PAF Base Laban vde PPRA Rule 16A requires following ders thrcq$i dosed frarnewtcd agreement based demand for pen&bullCd Of 12 months FY2024&bull2S. Cleaning Material Items. Stationary Items: Items, A1 types Toners ROMS. Ait Cutdltorters Spilt and {1 Tonnage). All Make and Model of Batteries 12V &euro200 AMPs (Acid and free), types 01 VetliCteS), uniform Accouterments Misceuaneous Items [e (IT Equi Equtprnents and Common use Of At Conditioner Gasses, A1 Types Of M Pagot with varOJS warns, MT lubes. Note: Oe&bullåed specifications ard Annual esti:nated QW subject and trerd {'At"Ch may vary 5 to aucca:ed fund} for LP or dems an obtåirei fcm Logstjcs Squadrco 00234128715} PAF 0992-355320 H'rtA c' Cö.&bull/ Transpad, rates ct Reva V'go, Prado ct above). MP Prado rxnz 2012 & abaue), Jeep GI-I, Coaster, Hiece, Muda. Truck t & 3 ton, Liher/Crar,e, Exeaatcc are required Gdgt to Nattæ/ to Gtgit_ Gilgfl Khunjrab TCP and j Islarnagd to egit. Natat Rattu. Islamabad to Malam Jabba. Gilgt to Rawla#di nslambad, Karabagh to Kashmir. Islamabad to Nuart1Vagahan ard Böbusar Top (Huing raV3 wit & without (wit! arc separato (As Reqc&bullred}. For query ct *ase Telephone Ext 355320, 355115 (Ext. 3881}, Mobile No. 0323-9418713 loco Y'S in days COIF NO 101 ALC. USE FAISAL (LOG) Cleaning material Items. Stationary Items, Packing Preservation *ems. Ncte. Q.JOtat'O&bulln Of tnentkt*d itms cccn*te FY 2024-25 aganst dosed Irene eement. Detaied ard annual etifiiåted &bullwantiy subject to Bl.dhorization end trend (whiCh rnay 10 to to fund) LP items sarrWfe Wlt,h dccvt&bulltmts (dran agreement) can obtait*d fom Loca Pvchase Section No. 10t ALC PAF CLP Sedicrd. Mobile No: 03218288578 TERMS AND CONDITIONS:. 1, General terms and are mentioned tender fom (F&bullS28AJ. Forms and tende notices com.plete detailS can be downloaded from PAF webSite & or can be from respecti&bullae Basest Lcq Sqns co working days 2, The firm be CST protessionat Tax registered N TN, S. Last date of submission o' tenders: 21 _JUNEi 4. Tenders will be opened on same day at 1100 taurs 5. NO payrnent be and be sutWCt acceptance O' he by uset activity. 6. Officers o' the menticoed Bases unts reser&bull.e the right to reject part cc tte entire terder tecnncal grounds Ouotatjons nutbevalid da. 8. Sales Tax as applicable musttemeoticned separately g. Cuarar&e Warranty term I penod Should also be rnentnte& It The w&bull be gmert&bulld by secret aa. 1923. , from Dunya dated 03 June, 2024
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