Pakistan Public Works Department Sialkot Tender Notice for ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** GOVERNMENT OF PAKISTAN PAKISTAN PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Office of the EE, CCD, Pak FWD Defense Road, Khokhar Town. Sialkot INVITATION TO BID Single Stage One Envelope Procedure) Seated tenders are invited on percentage rates basiS (above or below the estimated cost mentioned belvwJ from the contractors. having valid registration wim Pakistan Engineering Council Tenders can be purchased from the office of the undersigned dunng office hours, on any working day up to 20-06-2024 (Closing date), on written request on the letter head 01 the Company/ Firm etc, along with the following documents, 2. Documents alongwlth CNC showing the Company I Firm's name an the Active Tax Payer's listdispdayed on the FBRv&bsite. 3. Nan-Refundabletendercostmentionedagainstthewctk. The bids in sealed envelope should be dropped in the tender box. in the office of the undersigned on up to 11:00 a.m. The respective bids will be opened on the same day at 11:30 a.m.. in the presence Of contractors or their authorized representabves, Other terms and conditions can be seen in the bddding documents, TERMS & CONDITIONS. 1. 2. 3, 4. 5, 7. 8. 9. Single Stage single envelope bidding procedurewill be adopted. No tenderwillbesold}issuedaftertheclosingdate. In case of public holiday. the receipt and opening of tenders will be the next working day. No tender led through email, whatsapp. courier. etc. Bids security@5% (Five Percent) of bid price. in the form of Deposit at Call, (CDR) in the name of Executive Engineer. Central Civil Division No.l Pak PWD Lahore from company's I firm's account, from any scheduled bank Of Pakistan, should be attached along with the led bid. otherwise bid will be rejected. Notice inviting bid, isalsoavailableatPPRAsWe • Under clause 33 (1) of Public ProcureméOÅules 2004, the undersigned reserves the right to reject all bid+r ptcposals. at any time, prior toacceptance. The submission of bids by the implies that he is fully conversant with the site of work, scope and all the terms & conditions laid down in the bidding documents, Interested contractors/ ving same natureofwork in last three years should not be less lh Nos. 10. Thefirmhavingits asphaltplantwiül all relevantequipments. NIT Amount Earnest Money/Bid 01 Bid Price period Of Financial Cornglction Limit 01 24 -Months Relevant Category with PEC Shago ard Malwana with link Infrastructure, TéhSil Kharian. District Gujrat. (2nd Remaining Portion). CostofTender Non•refundable): Rs, 10.0001, NOTE* Uncontested tenders will be scdd upto and will be received back on a.m. and beopened at 11:30 a.m. While otherTerms&Ccnditions will remain same. (Muhammad Javed Akhtar) Executive Engineer, Central Civil Division Pak, PWD., Sialkot. Ph # 052-3551025 O ewspaper from Thenews dated 02 June, 2024
Send us WhatsApp Msg to Activate Tender Service : 03441423583
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