Hyderabad Electric Supply Company Hyderabad Tender Notice for ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** . HYDERABAD ELECTRIC COMPANY HESCO INVITATION TO BID Hyderabad Electric Supply Company (HESCO) a Power Distribution Ccmpany; its core function is to supply, diStribute and sell power (Electric;åy) in the area Of 13 districts Of Sindh Province invites sealed bids from the firms, who have valid PEC license renewal for the year 2023-24 in at least C-5 category andfieldof Specializajon "CEIO" & "EE05" havingexperienceof 02 No, similar works at least Of 132KV Transmission Line, registered wåh Sindh Sales Tax and Income Tax Department and who are on Active Taxpayers List Of the SFB and Federal Board 01 Revenue for the following works. Tender NO. Name of Work security Bid Submission Bid Opening Ccnstrucbon o' SP Foundation, Erection Stringing Work 132 Kv Rs. GSC27Æ024 — Transmission Line trom I ocaticn No. 2 to 5. Datea 21.06-2024 111:OOAMJ Date a Time 21.c$aceo 2. 3. 4, 5. 6. 7. All bids must be accompanied by a bid security in favour Oirectct GSC HESCO Hyderabad having name of firm an CDR from any scheduleg , The firm who will participate as JN should submit CDR from pint account and should be registered with FBR The elÉible firms Sh0uld submit attested cop" CNIC. PEC License, Bank Staternent o' last 13 months; vaüd work ctders along convletion certificates Of two NO. similar Transmission Line works Bidding document can be cotained Of Project Director GSC HESCO Hyderabad WAPOA Water Wing Colony Hussainabad Hyderabad during office hours by eligible firms, The firm will have to submit the affidavit in which the bicwerændertake that the iirm is not black listed from any organization; no any litigation with any departmer)t and all submitted documents are genuine. The eligible bidders may cblain fudhet informatigl torn the office of Project Director GSC HESCO Hyderabad, The same is available on HESCO wpsi'te at$. The successful lidderwiUhÅve to submit of thecontract price as performance security in the lorm of CDRORBankg antee. The firm which fai complete already awarded work in GSC directorate as per bidding document shall not be eligible. Authority required on 100 rupeesjodvcial paper for contractor representatives to receive tender documents/ participation in tender, The Dead line date for issuing the bidding document is one working day before opening date. Price Of bidding document is Rs, (NCO refundable}, This advegtisement is also available on PPRA website at www.ppra.a«g pk PROJECT DIRECTOR GSC HESCO HYDERABAD Ph: 022-9260123/Fax 022-3402565 Email: [email protected] -2023 c ewspaper PIO H un, , from Thenews dated 02 June, 2024
Send us WhatsApp Msg to Activate Tender Service : 03441423583
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