Punjab Information Technology Board Lahore Tender Notice for ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** PUNJAB INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY BOARD (PITB) INVITATION TO BID Punjab Information Technology Board (PIT 81, Government Of the Punjab, invites bids for the Procurement of Renovation/Civil Works and Smart Furniture for PITB (NDP&mdash 21): 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Estimated 1 2 Description Renovation / Civil Works Smart Furniture Quantity Multiple Multip Bid security Fixed 500,000 1.200000 The procurement Shall be completed in accord Stage &bull TWO Envelope Bidding Procedure, Tender Documents are also available . i . downloaded free of cost. ith the Punjab Procurement Rules 2014, on Single and www.opra.puniåb.eov.ok and may be Technical and Financial Separate 3idS. lv ompleted, signed, stamped, and in complete conformity with Tender Document must be Submitte O ne on E&bullPak Acquisition and Disposal System (EPAOS) website i.e., the last till 1500 hours date of submission of bids i.e.. 25 June, 2024 and bids shall be opened a 530 hours on the same date. as per PPRA Rules. 2014. Bidders are advised to ensur ding the Bid on E-PADS Portal, well before the submission deadline. and not wait for the last date me to upload the bid, Bid submission on E-PADS Portal Shall entirely be the responsibility of the bidd TB shall not be held responsible for anv issues thereof. For any assistance regarding L&bullPADS Port l. em support email and phone numbers are provided hereunder: For electronic bids su m&bull sion. bidders are requested to register at For any s ation on EPADS please contact at: Bids that arc inc p etc. not signcd and stamped, late, or submitted by other than a specified mode will not be consi Income/Sales tax registration certificate and other documents as mentioned in Tender Document must accompany the bids. Note: PITB management mav reject all bids or proposals at any time prior to the acceptance of a bid or proposal. as provided under Rule-35 of Procurement Rules. 2014. Director (Developrnent & Procurement) Punjab Information Technology Board 13th Floor, Arfa Software Technology park, 346-8, Ferozepur Road Lahore. Ph: 1042) 99000000, Fax (042199232123 Web: O Newspaper ( 02 Jun, 2024) (IPL-5176) from Nawaiwaqt dated 02 June, 2024
Send us WhatsApp Msg to Activate Tender Service : 03441423583
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