National Transmission & Despatch Company Lahore Tender Notice for ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** NATIONAL TRANSMISSION & DESPATCH COMPANY LIMITED NTDC NOTICE FOR INVITING TENDER XEN-ClVlL-GSO-HYD-07-2023-24 Tenders in Sealed cover are invited fram the firms who have registered with Federal Board of Revenue (FBR) & relevant Provincial Revenue Authority/Board for the following civil workt the bidding document shall be issued after fulfilling below mentloned eligibillty condtions and upon production of required documents. Name of Work Dismantling and Reconstruction of Boundary 1. wall (Back Side) at NTPS colony Grid Station T.M Khan Road Hyderabad trucuon o rane In 2. Switchyard of 500KV Grid Station NTDC Jamshoro Reconstruction of Water Supply System at 3. Residential Colony of 500KV Grid Station NTDC, Shikarpur TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF THE TENDER NOTICE Estimated Cost Rs 194,000 Famest Mone Rs (CE-IO) (CE-IO) (CE-09) Cost ofTender Documents, Rs 3000/- Non-Refundable 3000/- Non-Refundable 2000/- Non-RefundabIe 1. 2. 3. 5. 6- 7. 8. The bidding documents could be purchased on re uest up to office hours 24 Junet 2024 from the office of the undersigned. The tenders shall be received on 25 June, 20 to 14.30 hours and shall be opened on the g9igned in presence ot bidders or their authorized same day at 15,00 hours in the ottice ot un representatives, who wish to be present In case the date ot opening declared asa licholiday bythe Government the nenotTiciaI working day shall be deemed to be the date mission and opening of tenders at the same time. Sued from any scheduled bank of Pakistan in favor of Bid Security in the shape of C Executive Engineer Civil Divis SO (S} NTDC, Hyderabad, is prerequisite at the time of issuance of tender docume Eligibility conditions for Tende idders are as under: a) b) c) d) e) The Firm registeråd with Pakistan Engineering Council (PECL having renewed/valid license (In Originaij along with attested copy The Firm registered with Income Tax Department and are on Active Tax Payers List of the Federal Board bf Revenue and relevant Provincial Revenue Authority and returns filed with Income tax Department for the Financial Year 2022-23. Affidavit]n original must be submitted on Rs, 50 Non-Judicial paper that the firm has not beentlack listed by any Govt./Semi Govt. organization & not involved in any litigation. Tenders will be issued only to the proprietor cf the firm or his legally authorized representative on Rs-50 non-judicial paper with original CNIC. One person will only represent one tirm/company and will not be entitle to issue tender for more than one firm/company nor offer bid for more than one tirm/company. All duties & taxes of Federal Govt. & Provincial Govt, will be applicable as per law, UnsealecVlmproper Sealed/lncomplete/conditional Bjds/Rates offered will be rejected straight away. The competent authority reserves the right to accept or reject the tender as per PPRA rule, For lurther clarification/details (if any), please contact undersigned during office hours at Bungalow No. C. 1 old NTPS Colony T. M Khan Road Hyderabad, EXECUTIVE ENGINEER (Civil) GSO (S) NTDC, HYDERABAD o Newspaper ( 02 Jun, 2024) from Nawaiwaqt dated 02 June, 2024
Send us WhatsApp Msg to Activate Tender Service : 03441423583
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