Faisalabad Industrial Estate Development & Management Company Faisalabad Tender Notice for ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** FAISALABAD INDUSTRIAL ESTATE DEVELOPMENT & MANAGEMENT COMPANY NE-INVITATION TO BID FOR SUPPLYING AND INSTALLATION OF CONVENTIONAL STREET LIGHTS ALONG MAIN ARTERIAL ROAD IN ALLAMA IQBAL INDUSTRIAL CITY, NEAR SAHIANWALA INTERCHANGE M-4 MOTORWAY, FAISALABAD (CONTRACT NO. AllC-08) The Employer. Chief Executive Officer, Faisalabad Industrial Estate Development & Management Company, Faisalabad invites sealed bids under Single Stage Two Envelopes Bidding Procedure, from eligible firms licensed, valid for the year 2023-24, by the Pakistan Engineering Council in the appropnate category C-3 or above having specialization code of CE•IC, EE-04 & EE•06 and registered with FBR for Sales Tax and Income Tax for the below mentioned Works: Description No. Estimated Cost (Rupees in Million) Bidding Bid Bid Security Procedure Submission Suppdying And Installation of Conventional Street Lights Along Maih Arterial Road in Allama Iqbal Industrial 421.1 City, Near Sahianwala Interchange M-4 Motorway, Faisalabad (Contract No. AllC-08 stimated Cost i.e., Rs. 8.42 Million Single Stage Two 27.06.2024 Envelopes Bidders may obtain further information frcoaospect at PPRA Punjab and/or FIEDMC websites and acquire the Bidding Documents on submissicnpf a written application to the Office of the Chief Executive Officer, FIEDMC, M-3 Industrial City, nearSahianwala Interchange Motorway, Faisalabad, upon payment of a non•refundable fee of RF.±t0000j- (Rupees Ten Thousand only) in the form of Demand Draft I Pay Order. 3idding Document"hall not be issued on the Bid Submission Date. The proof of purchase of Bidding attached with the Technical Bid, Bids must be submitted in two envelopes, one marked "Technical Bid' and other as "Financial Bidn under Single Stage Two Envelopes Bidding Procedure. All bids must be accompanied by acceptable Bid Security (Bank Guarantee.ff01ii Scheduled Bank/CDR} and must be delivered to Office of the Chief Executive Officer. before 1400 hours, on 2706.2024. Any bid received by tnekrnployer after the deadline for submission of bids will be returned unopened. Any bid not accompanied by an acceptable Bid Security shall be rejected by the Empdoyer as non- responsive. Bids; tenders With any condition shall be rejected. Technical Bids will be opened at 1430 hours on the same day, in the presence of bidder's representatives who choose to attend at the same address. Date of opening of Financial Bids of technically qualified bidders shall be notified at a later date after Evaluation of the Technical Bids. Punjab Procurement Rules 2014. together with amendments. shall apply. Office Of Chief Executive Officer Faisalabad Industrial Estate Development & Management Company (FIEDMC) M-3 Industrial City, near Sahianwala Interchange, M-4 Motcrway/Faisalabad Tel: 041-8900201-7 o Newspaper ( 02 Jun, 2024) (IPL-5144) from Nawaiwaqt dated 02 June, 2024
Send us WhatsApp Msg to Activate Tender Service : 03441423583
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