Pakistan Oilfields Limited Attock Tender Notice for ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** PAKISTAN OILFIELDS LIMITED PRESS TENDER FOR SAIE OF MISCELLANEOUS SCRAP ITEMS Pakistan Cdfields Lirrited hereby invites "Sealed Quotations" torn all intereSEd of miscelar;eous Scrap items on "as is where is basis' lying at various field locations as per terms and conditions duly stipulated in Tender Document: Lot # K.02 K -03 K-05 K-07 K.IO K.12 K-15 K.Ii K.2-1 K-23 K' 24 K-25 K' 27 K" 29 KOJ K-32 K-33 K-35 a-K'l Vet Scrap Description unit Approx QtylEamest Money IPKR) Scrap Lying with POL Stg«e in Khaur. Tehsil Pindi GhEb, Oistt Attack Misc. Iron Scrap Brass Cytoder Valves, Slindhs. Foot Vatees ineheadetc. Pipe tire Coil used Obd Batteries Ohll CO SS tmt/agnetic used Orill•ng VJSizes and types Tanks {installed at Cmulian 0k! Tanks 8 Equipment used Electric Paneis, S*dch Gears. Fuel set Breaxers etc. Old Tres Tubes Various Sizes Stet* Barrels rePanst&tal en IT pnrtet Thread Proteect V'Sizes Bitumen mgm Sneets used Comvessors. Refrigerant Cylinders Fans•EIeeric Gas Veters etc. used Chattel Items Air Conditimer rjd (IJOd.'Reco•vered) used paint Ghee Used'Damage étecttiC items (Bute Rcd.s, chokes & IJSéd, Ruther et. LOT K.28 Auto Pat used Envty Dato* Pesbc Oemi:a Cats Fumb,ge F" Fure TCN TON TON TON TON TON LOT LOT NO NO TON LOT LOT LOT LOT LOT LOT LOT LOT LOT LOT LOT LOT LOT TON TON 100-120 2.48 48 2.5 2-3 26-30 8—10 284 3 2 I.SOO,OCO 550.000 tso.oao tsomo 20 % Of Bid Amount 20 % af Bid Arnount 20 % Of Bid Amount 20 % af Bid Amount 20 % Of Bid Afi10Wit 20 Of Bid Arnount 20 % of Bid 20 % of Bid 20 of Bid Amount 20 % of Bid Amount 20 % Of Bid Arnount 20 % Of Bid Amount 20 % of Bid Aroount 20 Of Bid Arnount 20 % of Bid Amount 20 % Of Bid Arrtount 20 % af Bid Amocnt 20 % Of Bid Arnount 20 % of Bid *gmocnt Serap lying with POL Store in Balkassar, Oistt. Chakwal 90B, Fetu et TON Sub Stocture, Crom BbC*., Ce•rck 40 so TON TON 600,coo 800,coo 1 .COO,OCO 200.000 ts,oco 20 % Of Bid Arnount Pat 8 LOT Scrap lying with POL Store in Meval. il 'ndi Ghebv Distt Attock Cte Misceaa-ecus E..•aent (Tark* Pare 1m Sar" Sub Stocture, Osrrid Ete Scrap Lying with SCR•I Tar&.s Tendet Document: ON TON TON TON TON 10 45 75-80 25 10 in SCR Rig. Tehsil Pindi Gtteb. ION 10.00 250,000 750.000 500 coo 15/300 150.000 The Tender having duly stiLJlated terms arid conditions Ws Tender SealedStamgOmäy becit,airsd oncostof betweenJune 3, 2024 Till June 20, 2024, (0800 A.M tona:CO P.W Monday to Friday) frctn Stæ•t viSitdate against a written request tram contact details given *low: Assistant Manager fStores) Khaut. TOhSil PiOdi Gheb. OiStnct Attock 2570685 The CLOSING DATE & TIME for receipt of duly Sealed Bids. atoro earnest money in the Shape Cd a Oemartd Draft/' Pay Order Bankers Cheque 'aweing Pa•stan Oilfields Limited in Tender Boxes l}ing with Afrinistratjcn Oeparvnent at PCL Khaur, Quoted price should be exclusive of all applicable taxes, (the bidder/buyershould pay all the applicablctaxos & duties separately to POL for governmcntdeposit There •wit teno p•ubliccpeningofthe Bids , AJ Bidders '*Qlteinformed abcuttheoutccagof their respecaive Bids affec its due •nd a•aarc or me Ccntracus) to the by Company. Pakistan Céselds Limited reservesall to accept I reject anyBidIsl or. carcel YtiS rendetwfftoutassjgn•qg any reasotygj and accruing any*bity go ever thereof. Manager Admin {Fields) Pakistan Oilfields Limited, POL Office. Tel. No. 057 o Newspaper ( uz Jun, zuz4) from Jang dated 02 June, 2024
Send us WhatsApp Msg to Activate Tender Service : 03441423583
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