Pakistan Oilfields Limited Attock Tender Notice 2 for ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** PAKISTAN OILFIELDS LIMITED PRESS TENDER FOR SALE OF MISCELLANEOUS SCRAP ITEMS Pakjsta.n OilfieådSLitrtited hereby invites "Sea10dOuotations" from all interested parties for sale Of Sctap items on "as is Where is bäSiS" lyirg at vanous fold btatons as per terms lheTef'WOacument: tot K-03 K-05 K&bullOB K.II K.t3 4-14 424 K&bull2S 6-27 K.2S K&bull30 K-32 K-33 K 35 BLK Scrap DeseriMion lunit ApproxQty.EamestMoney (PKR' Scrap Lying with POL Store in i(haur, Tehsil Picdi Cheb, Distt Attoe Misc. Iron Scrap Brass Cytnect , Spanoes. FcatVa1'&bdquow imo neaaetc. Pipe Line Coa Tubing Used Batter*s Orill Coilar SS Non-yagrgtic used Ortung Bits V.'Szcs Utd Taras (instated at Ohuian old Taras & Misc Equiment used Eleatic Panels. Swnch Gears, Fug' Dis nset&bull. Breakers etc. Tyres j Tutn:s Various Saes Empty Steel Barrels émgty PlastZ Barres Miso reParts Metal ritter Used'Old IT Items LÉOJ Thread Protector V.SiZCG Oren-a Sheets used Cornoressors. Refrigerant Cylinders Fans&euroecthc Gas h/eters etc. used Damage Chau Items Ait Céd (Used'Reoavered) used Paint & Gree fins UsedOamæae Electri items [Buh Rods, chd«es & Misc usei Plastiz tæms, Stet AJIO 'VV'i:ie *eres parl used Érnptf' Damage maste Chemo Cas IJSedOöT&bullaae UsedOamme Fumore Fre 'Wtod TON TON TON NO NO roN LOT LOT LOT LOT LOT LOT LOT LOT LOT LOT IOT TON TON 2.4B 48 2-3 284 3 2 I 500.000 80.coo zscoo 550.000 150.000 150.00' 20 % cd Agrour.t 20 % cd Arnoura 20 % Sid 20,100 20 20 % cd Atnoura 20 % cd ßvrvaunt 20 % cd Amount 20 % cd Sid Arnoura 20 % Of Atrourd 20 % of Amount 20 % of 20 % cd Sid Amount 20 % cd Bid 20 % Of Amount 20 % 018ii Ait-aunt 20 % cd Atroura 20 % Cd 20 % of Aroura 10030 IO.COO Scrap Wing with POL Store in Balkassar, Distt Chakwal Misc cf Poes, Feruetc rON 40 40 Sub Strcmjre, Derrick Croon Mast (Irs.t.&$J TON TON TON TON eoqoco 1 IS,coo 20 % 01 & LOT Scrap lying with POL Store in Meyal. il &bullndi Gheb, Distt Att0Ck Gate Msaaaroas (Tar*s, pare *rap etc Fre Wcot Scrap Lying with MS: Tanks render Document: TON TON TON tON 144&mdash148 10 45 75-80 25 10 1,500Æ00 250,000 750,000 500.000 IS,COO in Rig. Tehsil Pindi Gheb. OisttAttock TON 10m The Tender hafng an duly sbøulated tenms and conditions for this Tender Till Jun&euro20i2024. A.M to 02:00 P.W Monday to Friday) from. stan visit date against a Mitten request from me contætdetasgr,en oeww. Assistant Manager (Stores} Khaur, Tehsil Pindi Cheb, District Attock Tel (057) (Ext.2358) The CLOSING OATE & TIME duly Sealed Bids. earnest (Re-fund.3blej in the Shape a Oemat'd Draft Y' Pay Order f Bankers Cheque favonng Pakistan Oifields Limited in Verder Boxes &bull with Administration Oep.anme,nt at POL Khaur. TEHSILPindignebOisttnnou:Time02: Quoted price should be exclusive of all applicable taxes, (the biddenbuyer should pay an theapplicable taxes & duties separately toPOL forgovornrnentdeposit. There 'MI be no public apetlirgcdthe Bids. At Bidders wil informed About the outcome Of their respectjke after its doe comøete evduation and amrd of the Contract's} to the scccessful Vendoqspythe Corrvany. Pakistan Oilfields reserves all its exclusive right(s) to accept I reject any or. cancel this Tercerwith01ß assigmng any reasomsl anc accrutn,9 what soevertnereaf Manager Adrn&bulln (FieldSJ Pakistan Oilfields Limited POLOfre. Tel. No. 057 O Newspaper ( 02 Jun, 2024) from Jang dated 02 June, 2024
Send us WhatsApp Msg to Activate Tender Service : 03441423583
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