Controller Of Military Accounts Lahore Tender Notice for ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** SAY NO TO CORRUPTION OFFICE OF THE CONTROLLER MILITARY ACCOUNTS (PENSIONS) CMA cotrt,plex. Lahore cantt. +92 42 99220361. +92-42 9922024S cmapapmad,govpk TENDER NOTICE aro irrviied folkyming items once 01 tne Contrcaer Military Accounts (Pensi&bullcosJ, Lanorc Cantt 'ror&bullr. ropulea and interested s.upgoersidealers,tmanuractuters etc. wro are registered With ard are List Ot Fedora' Board Ot Tax 2 3 5 Of Carnputers with Not'Nork Attacnol Storage INAS} Oqvice 16 Ta each in one NAS i,O' = 8 Onv05j Portaue scoo state onve Iron Racks Additor Tables Witn Chairs Otncer 02 01 22 2. speeilicati&bullors ot items to be precured and tar ms & Ot tender. in will be lender be Section ns otljce on payment ot Rs. as teraer roe on euring a. Bids s:nall oe opened in accarøance rule % b} ot PbR*ic Prc&bulla.vemcnt R'ns. 2004 i.e. single stage procedure. Bids must reaen the Admit' section ct tni5 by 200$"2024 at A.M. bids shall be sarnc at A.M and "inanciai bids tecnnk-agv acceptable bid:s snag be cgeneo on 20-06-2024 at 3:33 P" in at Station Purct*se Toct&bulltrteal Evaluatico Committee and represe (who tp in Of the CMA Corwox- Lat-pate Cann In case govemn.ent a hcuoays on said gate. lhe wot'kirq day as ger said or Eid Interested bd'ders rr.ay deposit ite bib security as per the f01b2Wiræ detail if' snape issued any aa"k Military Accounts, (Pensions}. Nan-te of 'it rs t5LED 2 3 4 5 5. Network With Portable nron to Hate . &bull02 = a Olives) seid state AuditOf Tames Witn Chairs Cnairs R ece@t r ot Controller Ot Bid security Requ RS. 38,500 Rs. 68,COO Rs. 35030 Rs. 12,COO Bidders may quote rates against all or one or mare net-rs ur.aer teneer agmnst wrecn they inteno to quote. agot&bulliCy may bids Or proposals at any tit-r.e pnor to me acceptarcc ot a bid or prcposa&bull. The precuring agency upon request, ary or eentractor submits the bid Of pecposa&bull grounøs ror ot all bidG or pra&bullpogals, bul is tequifea to justi1V. Tcndcr Notii* is also availatøe on PPHA wobsite i.e. WWN.POra.6rta.1:ik Deputy Controller IA&ninJ c ewspaper un, , from Jang dated 02 June, 2024
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