Pakistan Public Works Department Peshawar Tender Notice for ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** GOVERNMENT OF PAKISTAN PAKISTAN PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT NOTICE INVITING TENDER Sealed tenders on v«ceoragc rate bavs (not on tndmdual *rems) are hereby invitee for tne mentioned below from the approved PEC registered Cültractors dulvrenew&bulled 'Ot thecutrent financial veal 2023-24. Tender *jcuments can be purchased frgmthe office of the undersigned during office hours on any working dav on of tendercost upto with written request on letter pad accompanied with copy of PtC attested copyof CNIC, Incometö* Registration Certifitaté as active taxpayer (filer] & CORö& mentioned below, Tenders will bC issued to the proprietor ot the Firm/Company or their legallv authoiizeci representatives having registered poweg of attorney (duly attested}. Ihe tentkts in seated should be received in the tender kept in the Office Of the undersigned on upto 0100 PM and the respective tenders Will be opened on the same dav at 02:00PM in the *esence of contrac'ters et theirauthctizedreptesentatives&bdquohavingregistgred power ofattorney. Tbe Following instructions be read and understood careful" in true letter and spirit, as in case of fulfil[nvent anv these instruttions, tender formsvAl not be issued. The documents under mentioned must be aecomponicd WRh theapp[it.ateon, falling which no tenderforms will be issued. TERMS&CONOITIONS, 11 Notenderwill b&bulleso/d/issuedonthedate of opening oftenders 21 Notenders beissued/ received thorough post, telegraphor E&bullMaii. 31 According to PPRA Ruee-2E. Bid Security mentioned below in the Shape Of CDR/CSII depe&it from any scheduled Bank in thc nameof Engineet central Civil PVVD, 41 Notenderwill beentcrtained Without bid security as mention belowofbid peiceor lcssamount. 5} Tenders can be purchased on lhe ptescribed cost (Non-refundable) in cash mentioned against the below noted from theoffi«e of theundersigned durineoffice bours before the date of openingoftendeo, 6} C02s oncereceived will be credited into Governg&bullneot Accountand will be refundedthrough Government Cheque. The CDRrnust be attached with the applEtatiC"&euro 8} documents provided by the bidders if found ambiguous will be verifiedand in case of fake one. the firm wil face immediate/ appropriate penal action as perrute.sandlaw' 9} Tender Notre isalsoavaiEable at PPA.A website (wwwoprauotg.øk) 10) under Rule 331110t public Procurement Rules, 2004 the competentauthoritv reservesthe rightto reject all bids proposalsat anv time or proposal, The submission of teodets by the contractog unplies that he is fulli conversant with the site of work. scope of wc" and terms and conditions as laid in theteoder documents, NO'te:&bull In ease iS declared public holiday or surprise engagement Of the undersigned the same Will be 2 3 4 5 6 8 9 10 12 13 IS 17 O opened onnext workingdayi.e Name of Work Construction of Olark top roac JtSub Oivjsjon DiStriCt lane S.62S Kml Construction Of Brick Mi',anryOröin at Sub ul Kotoona Construction of Check Darn water Chenal Phase- ItatSOb OiviSiOt1jandOta DiStriCt Tank of Pape at Sub Oivision Jandola Oistritt Tank INamatJ Koroona construteon Of PCC Street & Drain at sub DiViSjon 'andola District Tank Mirzali Koroona Construction of Box Culverts at Sub Division 'jndo,la OiStfit't Tank161 NOS Construction Cawewy at sub Division District tan* Faheem Road koroona Providing & Laying Pipe une at Sub &bullon DiStett Tank' Pit Ti Construction Of PCC protection w Tank of Check Oa DiVisiOn lartdöla DiStriCt n NIT Amount Rs 48,S 46 R843,7SS.994L 2S.647.OSY- Koroona (Amir construction o t at Sub nwar Kith} eet at Sub epab'e Traa Draan Village coond Oi9iSi6&bulln Jöfid0ta OiStrjet Tank [Akra PCC jeepable Track & drain at Village council Pittan8i Sub OiViSiOt1 Jandola District %n.k Rahmati Koroona Coastrucuon of PCC retaining wall at Sub Division construtt&bullon Of PCC Jeepable Trae g Drain at Village Council SoorearSub Division Jandola Disttia Tank construction Of Black vap Road Ot Sub OiviSiCn District Tank 5,625 EM (Asmatullah) Koroona Construction of Black TOO road at Sub DiviSion tank5,02 KM EXECUTIVE ENGINEER Central Civil Division-II Pak, PWD, Peshawar Newspaper ( 02 Jun, 2024) E/ Money o' the bid amount O' the bid amount the bid amount the bid amount Ot the bid amount the bid amount ot the bid amount 01 the bid amount the bid amount the amount amount Of the biti amount 01 the bld amount of the bid amount 01 the bid amount 01 bid amount the bid amount render Cost 20001. 2000/. RS zooop Rs 2000/- 2000/. Rs Rs 2000b PIO from Mashriq dated 02 June, 2024
Send us WhatsApp Msg to Activate Tender Service : 03441423583
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