Aga Khan Agency For Habitat Islamabad Tender Notice for ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** FOUNDATION .A» Kho A.e•cy ipr HAIt•t Notice for Invitation of Tender bidS are invited from construction work reqStered with Pakistan Council in Category C-5 amd above fog SINGtumI RetruNttln. 01 School*Coms1Nt1iDN •l Addltiu•l Classroom*'Constructlom and Impnvtm•mi Permanen Wall*1Constmctdon ImrovemeN of Wash Faci111iÄ./P,T Bidding document detailed terms, an.d COJRl'i'lÉjns„ ømcedure tor submission of bids. avügatiD0 Uiteria. designs. 800s etc. are anilable lor the interested bidders can be cotained tyg sendiro request on the email address No terugr documents except tlvocg 0btairMj from me above• menti01*d will be entertained, TIE bidS prepared in accordance ilßtf1.1Cli01iS laid dve,'n on tl'* bidding document. must reach the AXAHP office on 27. 2024} PM through cocr•igrjregistereø mail or oy hand with letter. didS WiB on 3;30 in AKAI-IP Office Islamabad. The WOO ShOW interest the Site ViSit tendering Tor AKAHP vm assiS1 in terrms or the exact Ixation of the site. No field expenses in ttüs regard will be bocce by AKAHP. Bidding is based on stage two-envelope procedure (SSTÉ) (one cuter and two iner en•alopS} procedure and iS open to all füms pWans requirements; licensed byme Pakistan EroineerimpCounciI (PECI in theCS ot above category. Active status in income tax registration, sales nx (FBR) *tration (if applicable), and KPRAra0istratjoa- All the ü1Cll.Jdinq and Plans can be Obbif*d from the ermiladdresspovided, The conditional incomplete. and ovenwiltentendersuomit"ted bytbe be liable to rejected. EiCh bidder Slüllfut1üSh, as partOf hiS bid, a didSecuriity in Sh,apeot Of banh dratt as per the details p«ovided in the table below,] issued a Scheduled Bank in Pakistan in 01 Kun Agency for Habitat Pakistan. The bid securty WiB be returned to bidderattettl* Of th@C01itract or in case 01 bid, 1 2 Chib" Ct'ib* I.W CWb•l GPS If tw u morecontractors i' firms become the lowest by quoting the same rates lor work, the decision o' Ine procurement committ& tomcept tne tender for award 01 contract The succestul tengeret WiB to execute the and deposn performance security bond within 28daysatterissuanceolaccemance letter. Thewut wil executed thespecification and design / drawi1V by AKAHR AKAHP preserves the right to or reject bids assigning any reason (S) thereof. Naeem A am Procurement Offer Aga Khan Agency for Habitat Pakistan Islamabad, Pakistan Email: , from Mashriq dated 02 June, 2024
Send us WhatsApp Msg to Activate Tender Service : 03441423583
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