Oil & Gas Development Company Limited Islamabad Tender Notice for ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** INVITATION TO E.BtD THROUGH SAP OISCOVE.RY .2 EeBids are invited through SAP•Ariba Discovery fat lhe service/ma:egial given below cacnpetitive bidding procedute as per public Regulator/ Auttyarity IppRA) s. 2- CLOSING DESCRIPTION DATE OCCCL-SCWSERVICES- cness-n-1S9S• CKESS-60-1S98- 249964832-2024 OG'DCL•SCWSERVICES. C8-PROD•249769ZU- suppu AND WATER AT DISTRICT SINDHPROVINCE SUPPLY WATER FOR ORILUNG AND PURPOSE AT WELL OISTRICT KPXPROVINCE ACQUIRING SEAFACE WELL TESTING SERVICES EXTENOEO WELL TESTING AT OGDCL WELLS CORRIGENDUM 1030 HRS 1030 HRS At Reference our Tender Notice published in this 0030'.0S.2t24. the following amendment maybenot«i. However. all athertetms unchanged. CLOSING TIME TENOER ENQUIRY NO, en -scu- FCILOCALJ-CB- P'O-UC*- 7024 EXCHANGE SERVICIS OF GAS TURBINE AND C.TYPE INSPECTION OF GUR nx OF AT OERA PROVINCE 25.06.2M' AT 'IOOHRS '100 HRS 3. 6. 7. Bidders have alradwsubmittedj sent their props-its (bids} may take them back and re-submit before the revised CJasing date and lime mentioned Altbidswillbe 30 mirues aftertherevisedbids closing date/ time. tender N0tiR/.adetaiIed insttuctig«ts are available on public Procurement Tendet arc avanablC online and bidS are OISO required be submitted online•ttwbugh eeprocwemert portal a: https:$•ariba•tenders or discovery-atibaconprofile/ Anö1S62899621. For details see •Insttuc•tion for Sectson• of 'heter.d«dacuments, OGOCI reserves the figt'il to Ot reject bid and to the bidding pccoess thCbidS as petPubliCPtocurement Regulatory AuthO'ity (PPW Rule-331 GENERAL MANAGER CHAN MANAGEMENT) OIL & GAS DEVELOPMENT COMPANY LIMITED OGOCL HOUSE, JINNAH AVENUE, ISLAMABAD, PAKISTAN. No.409ß9 Phone No. NATION O Newspaper ( 02 Jun, 2024) , from Khabrain dated 02 June, 2024
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