National Database & Registration Authority Islamabad Tender Notice for ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** GOVERNMENT F PAKISTAN MINISTRY OF INTERIOR NATIONAL DATABASE AND REGISTRATION AUTHORITY HUD I LLMLUO PROCUREMENT OF PRINTERS / TONERS / SSDs BID NOTICE I-Regional Head Office NADRA 10mabad req • Nsealed bids from firms companies registered with incomelsates Ta rtments and is on Actoe Taxpayers List of the Federal Board of Reven ntets,.'tonets 2. The Bid Document having complete be obtained during office less gazette holidays from Procurement Bra (NAORA RHO ISBJ from 03-17 June 2024. cn cash Rs.mmr• (non-refundable). Sealed technical along wdh financial proposalsmust besubmitted by hourson 18thJune2024. Bidswill beopened at 1030 hours cn the same dåj•ttte presente cd firnts representative at NAORA 3. Bid is RS.50, j:co.hich must be bid in the form DrafttPay in meofNADRA NRC DisbursementAccount Islamabad. 4. The process 5. Competent p PRA stage single envelope' would be adopted, reserves right to rejeci bids,'offers as per the dause 33 of (In case of public holiday(s), tender will be opened on next working day} FOR ANY QUERY CONTACT ON "LOW ADDRESS: PROCUREMENT BRANCH Regime Head Offu NAOPA 2001, c ews paper un, , from Khabrain dated 02 June, 2024
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