District & Session Court Mianwali Tender Notice for ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** Sr. Description/ Qiy No. Particulars. OFFICE OF THE DISTRICT & SESSIONS JUDGE, MIANWALI. TENDER NOTICE Scald for uch category) arc ina from lb: aulhoi7ßd FimYDiülhlJ11ßl lhlcßStlPliers having RtgislcwJ wiff Salts and Inn Tax for the Suiy of following Stalioncry, COGI of Slorcs, Computer Stationery, Oilers, Purchase of IT, Putchast of Machine & Purthasc Nfl"li. 02 G.PURCHÅSEOFMACHINERY Specification IDetails Ki0 1 01 01 I! 'Iu (lhd Ptaasld Taslilla 03 06 Misc. Items 12 04 06 11 IV VI XIII FWSÉrdAirCordtiorer Air Ccodltioner IEO Fridgc{Mediw) I)GPAY Cameras CcöorVU8MP NVR POE Switch withSPM0ÖJles NehwrtCable Opit SFP Switch with 4 8 01 10 32 1 4 4&bullton Irwter, Gtg kson, Mits±ishi ot equivdent {Etest moÉl) orequ t [Jigjli quinh,l (IS add} preferably well&bullknwn braded n Cmlrcl with Gti J 11m, Ikallh & thin Ikia or preferably well-known bndedcompany. Complete of IPCameras with 8 agailbl bad due to 130 m Fman nd *ide based on deep 2417 colt(fu'l irngir. mitrcphme teal,time sear",} {4.11 IMP 4K Outdoor Fad gullet Netwod A'.li',o, wth iMalatii1 ard etc RJ45 ttnnect", Temination 301 bflh Memory GtddcHikvünor uinlent. &bull to 32 te &bull to 12 MP high, defnifrl We stow and &bull to 320 lor 200 RAJO i nbledl irtcmig an be crnected 2 wcel be wed retctdng &bull sgiabt pese tutir.g aneralkNPR revtion) tamenjfifheye &bull mth We F,ew il ICard dita effecti'*f mids dita loss geferabW weAnown baMedtcmpany qaüFJ45pcct, 1 cptital pwt.%ül, uhter, 23 AWG Ccw Anti&bull Crosstü Pair ler$, 305m preferabtyell&bullkrwwn branded com 01 03 01 01 0.3 05 03 02 0} 10 (Rd&k). Tag (Snzll, Ii Mcl, File wili Shonhnd Srp hd. Ink for Ink Blaå, Wiilx, Suk, Cultt, Dispatch Cniucnlkc:istct, imlJNlYIP"1 Unih fr StlT OITICC 01 Stff Ihifcm {13M It Grey 65 119 C-COSTOFSTOREITEMS WA BIIN preferably' well&rown branded 2 comp 4 company D-COMPITERSTATIONERITEMS I Size Rin) Ren B' 12 Txt59APrirY,VÅ02dr, 12 YAforllPPriütlascrkM4jIå TxhAhir*M404dw 12 116 I-OTHERSITEMS Rolls 51)C BNQ21ily 3'Q21il Misc. OffidCourts Csc0ther Items IPIki51an F12!, Soap, TMI, Air Mnir Kilkr Spy, Vipers, jursh (Rd curing), IE lipid Acid Wa:hrn, Phmvl, llqic, Furniurc Polish, F.PURCHASEOFITE Fu Optkaltae VIII Ebttrittabeittte 3CO I 1 4 6 6 2 wel&bullkmwnbnnded ornpany company and respectK Sowoteqüikntlatestmuel q Sremprefera well&bullkwwnbrandedcompany hid new SureNante tade 8TB Hard Disk Device, preferably kmwnbrarded of 3WA per Pakistan Custom ealuation With h. quit'/ (Mandatcrylwifr well-known braded company Netwcå/PøE Switche power sockets åble 2 Core3&bull29 Pure well-howc branded company all othetacessccies l)scriptionl Particulars, LaserJet Printer Keyboard Wireless Mouse Mouse SSD ComputetPowetCables HDMI Cables H.PURCHASEOFPURNITIIRE&FIXTURE 18 18 10 10 10 10 10 Specification IDclails Bit PrcewSpeed 10111 USB port Orgl HDMI, O-pcrt, übks, irlernal speakers ani all other atcssories Including OEIlor equinlent bcrded No refwfred fswillbeaccepted. Up to 0138 ppm, letter/A4 printing Automic to ipn Built-in Gigabit Mobile girttirc direct ptintirlb NFC touch-twilit, ePrint. Agle t/cptia&bullcertified, Google Prit 10, Full Siu IJSB with löplap - well&bullkncwn branded dtard Mouse Desktop, laptop, Notebook, Chromebook, for or leltf Blidi pteferabl'/ branded No refåhcd required will bt Brand New Wed USB Moug for Wifis PC Desktop, laptop, Nolen tonputer and Chromen fy Rihty tr lefty IJk, Black, preferably Ikl&bullknown company. Brand ith preferably well, known branded No refurbished or bepd pert will be lcptd. ler$: meteg, Qelity torxtcrs ION copper 18ÅWG, preferably well.krtwn branded 10 ot required parts will S 10 meters 4k supported, preferabl Kill he itteptd IPl*ctor/Tll 1080 Full HO, 01 02 03 14 05 06 08 12 14 16 17 18 Sofa Set terlralTåleSet 1%Offltg Half roble ErcutrftRwtb/ir&eurothair go 5 4 20 2 10 Revcb/ir&euro Chus for 40 Office Redvng thiirs Steel Benches Book Rack Stod fat OffelJse CornputetTibles 'ketir&euroHiTable Couile3edwiåDressirc 30 S 1 solid Shtshn finished wiå l.atbct Madcof$01idShe5hamnd, P&i5h finished wih N.tlxqnr l'cli5h Wish Glag 10Ɗƈ.5 II 01' YKéwn Vd, wilh Ny l,acqxt PoåwilhGlushm ft or solil Shsham wocd. frli5.hcd with 8mrn ft Mü of sold S.b:sharn w,md, [nishcd Nit Iligh IlighQualiy,bEkcomfrIcr with Made orolid &bulld, fini±cd wilh Midcofscld 2.5Ɗ*2.5 ft Made of wood. Inishcd wilh lacqucr Piishwilh(iashm 16'ff15 II vih N.C l*cq.M PEwilh 8nm ft Mat of sold Slrsharn good, finishcd Nc wih MaEofsolidSheshnwoÅfinuwithNc Pii5h VGA Cables 10 11 03 Router 12 WIF,Router 13 Mikrotik Router 01 lewwith 6 for K, wel&bullkntwn Nc refurbiih2d parts will Irdw10utinr {WC Sid hit} 2 trcsb!kti/üfctlrrortitd preferably Co*telrÆ112tioncINetwotking Terms & Conditions: l. lhfimwflingtoparticipatcrnustpsscsprofsiomltuceflificatcmdalsobc registcrcd the sales tax as incomc tax dcpartmcnl and Punjab rctcnuc authority wherc necesary. I filcdrelums uith technical propuls 3. Except tlrprocuremeniofamcrasinslallation,thcbiddingqellbcgovcrnedbßngle stage tuocmcIopSprocedurcx the bidder is required to submit their financial proposal and ICtfiicaI propel bidding documents in dldy sealed etlvclops in ON L.OfSCrvice uhich cn be provide wananty p:riod. call deposit / swuity worth of the Cost ofbid valuc (Refundable) should bc deposited in of the v,orthy & SßSions Judge, Mianwali and no exemption of all deposit is avaflablc for my firm / supplier as laid down in Rule 27 of PPRARules2014. 6. submitted along with technical propogl for asesnmt ofthcrc qulificalion and pased c*cncc rcgar&lng supply Ofsimilar items 10 any *Sions I civil or high or ny govæmtsdcpatmcnts 1. financialbödmuMquüancrinchsionofdltaxeslikcGSTaMIncometaxetc. 8. %cprcfcrcncclqlltpgiymtoqualitypmduclhaving laMtechmlogy,qccialfcaIure kcqing in vicw principles ofvalue for money and whole fife co<. 9, IhcprocurnentofCClVCamenspoinIswillbcmadetwosugelwoenvelops 10. Financial ard T&ical prqosals mlß ræh the office oflüsigned by or by rcgistcrcd pst till 15.06.2024 at 12 pm on Saturuy and technical will be optnedacccsed on lhesameday at 12.30 pm in thisoffce. IL *IhcpncuringgencyalsoresetvetherighttorejEtsaIlbidtnderNle350fPPRA 2014. 12. IIIC lerdcrdoumtsalong with spcificdionslo be procured be obtaindfrom the office ofthc immiiately Biblicalion oftenders cn payments Rs 4000/ by (Non&bullRcfunNc) during hours. 13. In Odet acccs to quality offalTic and bid&rs will bring wilh one stitched paired ofniform at lime oftcchnical evaluation 14. Fu*c for inspection prctuse commiuee. 14 15 16 II Ill IV VI VII VIII O External SSD Network Cable 24 Port QabitManaged Switch with SFP Mdules Networktble UPS Batlff/ Backup Female connectors R' 5 tonnectors Electric Cable 2core NC Duct & mpewith Accessories 10 15 10 24 with gefcrnnte. Powel Ethernet of budget and 6 Solid Diw Irorwed Pair compart} BJ4S Gcå$ated female termtm well&bullkæbrandædcompany Pow 2 Core preferably 15. 16. 11. 18. 19. 20' In ofCamcras iMallationscomprchensive uill bcgivcn by the bidder buring the cout hous technical evolutin Bidding for utegoty / burde ben scpantcly so bidders to to tender ur bids in morc one category will obtain bidding documents for each uchcategorics. All kinds ofLcvies / Taxes will be included in the oftcccd price and othct expenditurc such as (Fright charges, dclivcty charges etc,) rc also assumed to included in thc offcrcd price. entirc procurements El be governed undet Fevailing PPRA Rules, 2014. Successful biddr rcguding camera installation will at first deposit all thc equipment's I gadgets the client so tifl checW inspct any items bcfore No refurbished or the required Computer & Cameras, partsrttems accepted, 21. lhetcndernoticeisalsoavailablconthefo]lowingwebsite (Qaiser Nazir Butt), District & Session Judge/ Chairman Purchase Committee, Mianwali. Newspaper ( 02 Jun, 2024) , from Express dated 02 June, 2024
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