Communication & Works Division Upper Waziristan Tender Notice for ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** NOTICE FOR AUCTIOte RIGHT OF CANTEENS The Inspeor eneral of Prson Büchistan bids from eb$•le Bidders aucten or he rahts for ftJttsr.g PtisceSCantegns.n Bar.c•hista.n: 'or hranc:ial 2024.2025, t Central Plan Vacn 2 central Ptisan GOdd&Oi 1 OistrttPfß0flOue7,a Central Pnson Khuraa,f, 5 PrisonNuhskj. OislfX:t Prison 8 Wrad.jarrali 01 01 10006 RBIOCW- Rs looai. Rs 1000'. Rs500CO- RS 50000'. Rs 30.000'. Rs.100C0', Rsu.ooor. Rs.toooor- te«ns conditions. "s in tre næme cd General af Prsa•rs Baoc•histan Ouetta aucticnvrertt ar nnrtit•g Ja'lS Cmreens cat' from cmce tne Iltsgector General Ptisans samungh Road aftet o' IO•rrn tee as metltMh0d at•ave against each jail through Gr—OChallan in Inspectorate General of Prisons Balochistan Quetta. Account Nc C-02661 SIX,e Bank j Naoona.l Bank c' Pakistan. rne Original Receiptaffee must be ne B'd security 01 depasd.n træna;mecr lmspectorate General or Pnsons ajoenstan %O'ffOt must a'lSO Bdd't•tg FOffii. The is Shao only re%ndOd aner finaizatisn Of the auaj3•n security ar the proceedings. TheSecurity n —toftnesuccesstdlbdd«shallonlybetefurdedcnproduction af certificate issued by the Prisms, statltu thal the cor,eae nas teen successfLily completed oy the tidder. af tre must encyased Witn the Attestec Caw af CNC Regsttat•an watt Taxation Tax. The bidder must have comolcted simitar nao:ecfwoüsin Babct',istan duringpreviocsCO years. Thc successful bidderh88.19 gay at Taxes cd the total cder accc•eng to Govemn•ent Policy 8 other taxes if Issuanceof Documents: Documents sna:n be fram date c' Auction it' I OiV6024. during days , Oate submission: The bids must be by till It-CO AN the cf.:e cf the undersigned. Tender cpeßiog: A1 we te openeg at 11:00 PM on at the Get-gral of Prawns, PRO c ews paper AlG a FOR INSPECTOR GENERAL OF PRISONS. BALOCHISTAN SAWNGU ROAD QUETTA un, from Express dated 02 June, 2024
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