B Class Bus Stand Multan Tender Notice for ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** INVITATION TO BID "B" Class Bus Stand, Multan is established under Regional Transport Authoritw Multan invite seated proposals in accordance with PPRA-Rules 2014 "Single Stage Two Envelops Bidding Procedure" from registered Companies / Firms / Individual Contractors for provision Of "Janitorial / Sanitation Staff for the Of AC Terminal, Wagon Stand, Non AC Tertninale Shops General Bus/ Truck Stand and Goods Forwarding Agencies (Services Charges) "B" Class General Bus Stand, Multan". The detailed description about work / services is available in Bidding documen& which an be purchased immediately from office of the Administrator, Class Bus Multan after the publication Of this notice on payment Of Rs. 2000/- (non-refundable fee) in any Bank of Punjab, A/c # 5310026692600017 maintained in BOP Clock Tower Branch, Multan. Description of Tender HIRING OF STAFF FOR JANITORIAL SERVICES CLEANLINESS SERVICES FOR AC TERMINAL. NON AC TERMINAL, WAGON STAND, SHOPS, GFAs, GENERAL BUS / TRUCK STAND* MULTAN Conditions for submission of proposal* The proposals completed in all respects mus€repch / submitted at below mentioned address on or before *7-06-2025 In se of gazette holiday on the said date, the tender 2. 3, 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. proceedings will be hebd on the next da The Bids will be opened on the m in presence of bidders or their authorized representatives Who wish to witness the tender opening. The Bid security is equal to 5% (five percent) of the quotation must be attach with the proposal in the form of pay order / CDR / mand Draft in favour of 'ÄAdministrator; "B" Class Bus Stand, Multan". 11 applicable taxes (i.e. PST, GST. Income Tax etc). The proposal rates are inclusi Affidavit that the company" / contractor has never been blacklisted by any Govt. / Semi Govt. / autonomous body mu béattached With the proposal, titract Will be upto 01-07-2024 on frarne contract, the details are given The service agreement in bidding document. A certificate on lette head of the company to the effect that all the sanitation staff are paid monthly wages. than the minimum waoes fixed bv the Governmenr of puniah, as per latest budgetary.year. Any violation at any stage in this regard will render the company ineligible to work With Bus Stand, Multan. The companies / firms / contractors / sole proprietors must be registered with FBR PRA / EOBI / / Professional Tax etc (Copy of NTN. PRA, EOBI; ESSI and Professional Tax etc should be provided). 9. Incornplete proposal Shati not be considered. 10. The bid validity period shall be 60 days from the last date of submission of the Tender. 11.Administrator; "B" Class Bus Stand, Multan reserves the right to reject / accept or cancel all the proposals submitted in response to this tender pror to acceptance as per PPRA Rules. IPL-5190 ADMINISTRATOR, B" CLASS BUS STAND. MULTAN Office : "B" Class Bus Stand, Vehari Road, Near Under-Pass, Multan Ph.061-9330277 O Newspaper ( 02 Jun, 2024) from Express dated 02 June, 2024
Send us WhatsApp Msg to Activate Tender Service : 03441423583
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