Irrigation Department Sargodha Tender Notice for ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** GOVERNMENT OF THE PUNJAB (RRIGATION DEPARTMENT SARGODHA OIVISION LJC. SARGODHA± TENDER NOTICE Sealed item MRS Bi January 2024 to 30th Juno— 2024 are hereby invited for urgent work mentioned below. from the approved eontractors for the year 2023-24 Of irrigation eepartment. 0 MO nay Tender Fee SOOO/- 5000/- 1000/- 2 3 Z 3. 4. 5. 7. 8. 9. n action verted Stud Ot RD 33•OOO a—Head Spur NO. 2 ur Si0Lon•wota) pairing Roof Of Drawing Of JC Circle Sargodha, CONDITIONS C.C SGO 24-06-2024 C.E SGD No.ea7C 24-05-2024 sc wc SCO N0.2703 oe 16-06-202-4 Amount 1.09.65,008/- 2.22±6.319/- 6.42203/- 10 oay. O D zyg The Sate tender forms/ bidding doeur•nents can be purchased irnrnediätety from tho date Of publication of this invitation till 14.06-2024 during Office hours from the office of the Executive Engineer; Sargodha Division LJC Sargodha on payment Of non-refundable tender fee mentioned against work as printing Charges. NO tender forrn be on the date of receipt of tenders. Further the tenders will be sold only to the proprietors of the firrns or their authorized agents. NO firm shall to receive / purchase tender fornns in the name of any other firms. Earnest money Of the estimated amount ih Shape of deposit at can drawn in favour Of the Executive Engineer. Sargodha, OiviSiOn LJC sarge.dha from any scheduled bank rmust be w•ith the tenders. hot be The tenders will be received by the tender o committee on -IS-06.2024 up to 1:30 P.M and will be opened on the same date at 02:00 PM Office of the undersigned. Only one set of tenders documents shall old to any C ontraetor Authö"iZCd Representative for hiS own Firm and he will not be attowed to burettase tender docurnents of any other Contractor Fir•nn, Earnest money as noted against each the term of eeposit at call bank guarantee in favor Of Executive Engineer. Sargodha Division CJC Sargodha drawn frorn any schOdulOd bank Should accornpany the tenders subroittOd by." The tender documents will be subrnission of original copies of renewal enlistrnent / and Govt. Receipt as a proof of of renewal enlistment fee for the cu financial year. The work will be aorto / in accoreanee with departmental specification and under the supervision of S.D.O concerned.rid Resident engineer. Third Party Monitoring Tear-n. payment Will be rnade after verification clearance from M&R Consultants. Tendered rates and Should be fitted in figures ag well as in wares and tender should be Signed per given in the tender Conditional / Incompnete will be rejected, 10. No tender will be Other detail and d 42. According to e the date of opening of tenders, n of the works can be seen in th,e office of the u ndersigned on any w. documents clause 26(A) and Finance Department Notification vide NO-RO(TECH) 1-2/2017 dated November 2022. in case the total tendered amount is equal to or tess than-S% Of the anprove•d estimate (ONTT) amount contractual works / civil works. mentioned in above notification. the lowest bidder will have to deposit quality assurance security within 15 day from issuance of notice from the scheduled Bank equal to the amount Of difference between approve DNTT arnount and the quoted bid amount of contractual works Civil works, 13. In case of any dispute regarding these tenders or execution Of work. the case will be referred to Superintending Engineer cower Jhelum Canal Circle, Sargodha decision will be final and binding on the contractors, 14. In case of any of tho above clauses contradict PPR.A Rules then PPRA Rules Will be fonowod prevail 05. The payrnent Will be made to Contractors after ctearanco Of work and to the entire satisfaction/ by the Contractor will provide rates as per Bid or Quantities. 17. All Governrnent taxos will be ap 'icoble. IPL-5210 Executive Engineer, Sargodha Division L.J.C,Sargodha. o Newspaper ( 02 un, 2024) , from Express dated 02 June, 2024
Send us WhatsApp Msg to Activate Tender Service : 03441423583
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