University Of Gujrat Gujrat Tender Notice for ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** University of Gujrat UGG Hafiz Hayat Campus, Gujrat INVITATION FOR BIDS University of Gujrat invites bids from reputed organizations / companies / firms / suppliers having adequate past experience and financial capabilities in the following tenders. Sr. TenderTitle Hiring of Janitorial & Waste Collection Services 1 at Hafiz Hayat Campus University of Gujrat, Gujrat Tender No. IFB No. UOG/DP/ 2023-24/ FBS/09 IFB No. UOG/DP/ 2023-24/ M&E/27 Estimated Cost Procurement for "Establishment of High 2 Performance Computing Lab (Faculty of Computing & IT and FET), UoG" Bids shall be processed on Single Stage Two Envelopes Bidding Procedure. Organization must be registered with Punjab Revenue Authority and Federal Board of Revenue for Income & Sales Tax purposes with Active Taxpayer profile. Bidding documents can be obtained from the date of publication on submission of a written request on company's letterhead from the office of Director Purchase University of Gujrat. Request must be accompanied by Bid Document Fee of Rs. 5,000/- in the form of Pay Order / Demand Draft in favor of Treasurer University of Gujrat. Bidding documents can also be downloaded from PEFA's website and Pay Order / Demand Draft of bid ee must be attached along with the bid. University not be responsible for delays & non-delivery aused by courier firms / post office etc. regardi uance & receiving of bidding document / propo als etc, Technical Proposal must contain bid secur&bull n the form of CDR / Demand Draft / Pay Order of 00 of estimated cost (mentioned in the tender ) in favor of Treasurer c ents University of j at. Sealed bids in conformity with bidding docume ts should reach the office of Director Purchase U no later than 1:30 PM on 27-06-2024. Proposal* all be opened on same day at 2:00 PM in presenp of bidders or their representatives having valid authority letter from their respective organizations. Bids which are incomplete, unsigned & unstamped on bid form, unsealed, without bid security and late by specified time shall not be considered. The University Management may reject all bids at any time prior to the acceptance of a bid, as provided under Rule-35 of Punjab Procurement Rules 2014. Director Purchase Admin Block, Hafiz Hayat Campus University of Gujrat 053-3643331 - 3643334 Ext. 1 f 7 (LHR-G) O Newspaper ( 02 Jun, 2024) IPL-5142 , from Dawn dated 02 June, 2024
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