Public Health Engineering Department Sialkot Tender Notice for ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** OFFICE OF THE EXECUTIVE ENGINEER, P.H.E. DIVISION SIALKOT TENDER NOTICE Single Stage, one envelope sealed tenders based on MRS Bi-annual system (District Sialkot) are invited from the contractors [firms approved by Pakistan Engineering Council Islamabad for the year 2023-24. 'Ille Revised Standard Contract form for execution of work printed by the Government of the Punjab 2018 / bidding documents are readily available aner advertisement in the office of the undersigned, after depositing of prescribed tender ree / documentation ree in the form of cash /CDR I Bank Dran / Cashier's Cheque from any scheduled Bank (non-refundable). Tender rates and amounts should be filled in figures as well as in words. A written request on company letter pad accompanied by following documents is to be submitted / produced at the time Of issuance of tender documents. Original PEC License Registration 2023-24 in relevant Category. + Original contractor / firm's Managing Partner, authority letter / Power of attorney. C• Original CNIC of contractor/ firms Managing Parmer. Original National Tax Numbcr Original registration with Punjab Revenue Aauthority. If proprietor of firms cannot come for issuance of tender by himself. his representative should have forrnal registered authority letter for specific work in which finn is interested or else the tender documents will not be issued. ne 5% Eamest Money in Lhe shape of Deposit-at-Call (CDR) from any scheduled Bank in the name Of the Executive Engineer, Public He:anh Engg: Division Sialkot will be provided by the finn at the time of issuance of tender. The tenders will be issued upto 14-06-2024 during office hours from the date of publication and received on t 5-06-2024 upto 2.00 P.M and opened at 2.30 P.M in the office of the undersigned in thc presence of intending contractors / firms or their authorized representatives who may like to be present Ihe conditional tenders / telegraphic tenders / tenders by post will not be entertained. In case the total tendered amount is lesi than 5% ofthe approved estimated (DNIO amount, the lowest bidder will have to deposit an additional performance security as per clause 26-A of GENERAL DIRECTIONS FOR THE GUIDANCE OF THE TENDERERS mentioned in the contract agreement from a Scheduled Bank within IS days of issuance of notice. Punjab procurement rules 2014 (Amended upto 31-12-2021) shall be applicable. In nse of any public/ local Holiday the tenders will be received on the next working day. T.S. No & Date No. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Name of work Estimated cost (10 Million) Earnest Money 5% (in Million) o. 140 0.207 0.370 0.232 0.324 0.255 0.116 0.116 0.116 0.116 0.116 0.1 16 Time Teuder Ihcumeat•tb• Lim it Roof, Saint Francis Catholic Church R-A Bazar Top Khana Sialkot Cantt. Renovation Christian Church Haji Pura Bun Tehsil & District Sialkot Renovation /Addition & Tuff Tile Cathedral Pray Center Opposite K.F.C Lari Adda Kashmir Road Sialkot Tuff Tile and Marble Bethania Family Catholic Church Pacca Garha Tehsil & District Sialkot PCC Street and Sewerage and Tiles Saint Mary Church Lohar Garrha, Tehsil & District Sialkot Sewerage and PCC Shahzad Khuragn» Christian Street Harrar Sialkot Tuff Tile Christian Street Mi Tehsil & District Sialkot Boundary Wall Christian fraveyard village Korar Tehsil & sirict Sialkot Boundary Wall Christian Graveyard Kishney Wali Sia Boundary WallChristian Graveyard Opposite Coca Cola Factory Near Nargate Street Sialkot Cantt PCC Street and Sewerage village Parage purt Dr, Shahid Street Tehsil & District Sialkot Boundary Wall Christian Graveyard Near Railway Line Talwara Mughlan Sialkot 2.805 4.139 7.409 4.63 482 5.093 2315 2.315 2.315 2.3 IS 2.315 2.315 2000/- 2000/- 2000/- 2000/- 2000/- 2000/- 2000/- 2000/- 2000/- 2000/- 2000'- 2000!- 12-months 12-months t 2-months 12-months 12-months 12-months 12-rnonths 12-months 12-months 12-months 12-months 12-months SE*HE G/wala Circle No-213/B dated 24-03-2024 SE,PIIE Circle No.213/B dated 24-05-2024 SFOHE Circle No-213åB dated 24-05-2024 SEOHE Circle No.213'B Executive Engineer Public Health Engg: Division Sialkot dated 24-05-2024 SE.PHE Circle N02131B dated 24-05-2024 Circle No,213/B d*ted 24-05-2024 Circle G/wala No.2i 31B dated 24-05-2024 SE.P1tE Circle Giwala No.213fB dated 24-OS-2024 SE,PHE Circle G/waJa No.213/1) dated 24-05-2024 SE.PHE Circle dated 24-05-2024 LE Circle G/wala dated 24-OS-2024 SFOIIE G'wala daled IPL-5155 (LHR-G) O Newspaper ( 02 Jun, 2024) , from Dawn dated 02 June, 2024
Send us WhatsApp Msg to Activate Tender Service : 03441423583
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