Pakistan Railway Multan Tender Notice for ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** PAKISTAN RAILWAY DIVISIONAL OFFICE, MULTAN TENDER NOTICE Sealed Tenders are invited on "Single Stage Two Envelope" basis by the Divisional Superintendent Multan from well reputed Firms, having the valid PEC registration certificate in category C-6 or above (i.e. having CE-IO, EE-07 & EE-08 specialization codes). The Firms have hired/ engaged a retired signal officer/official, at least of the rank of Signal Inspector. Registration with Sales Tax Department having National Tax Number for the year 2023-24 with ATL (Active Tax Payer List). Detail of work is as under: s. No. Name of Work "CONSTRUCTION OF FLYOVER Approximate cost(Rs.) Period of Tender fee 5% Earnest money of AT KM NO.88/6-8 IN REPLACEMENT 1 OF LEVEL CROSSING No. 50-A BETWEEN SSH-MUL STATIONS ON LON-MUL (VIA LOOP) SECTION" Completion (Rs.) 04 months ,000/- bid amount (Rs.) 243,843/- The prescribed tender forms be purchased from the Signal Branch Divisional Superintendent Offic akistan Railways, Multan on any working day during the office hours on ash payment of tender fee mentioned above (non-refundable). The earnes money in shape of call deposit or bank guarantee / bond from any schedule ank in favor of Divisional Accounts Officer should be deposited with tender d c ents, without this tender will not be entertained. The sealed Tender D ents will be received in the Office of Divisional Accounts Office P.R. Multan umt 12:00 Hrs on 04-07-2024 and shall be opened on the same date at 12:30 Hrsi t e presence of the Contractors. The bid validity should not be less than for 12 Y!eeks. The Railway administration may reject all bids and proposals at any time pr(Qr to the acceptance of a bid or proposal. The Railway administration shall upon request communicate to the bidder, the grounds of rejection without any justification. The Bidders or their representative may like to present at the time of opening of tenders. Note:- This tender notice is also available on PPRA website ( as well as on Railway website ( (Divisional Signal Telecom Engineer-I) for Divisional Superintendent, Pakistan Railway, Multan. O Newspaper ( 02 Jun, (LHR-G) 2024) from Dawn dated 02 June, 2024
Send us WhatsApp Msg to Activate Tender Service : 03441423583
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