Pakistan Electronic Media Regulatory Authority Islamabad Tender Notice for ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** nn PEMRA PAKISTAN ELECTRONIC MEDIA REGULATORY AUTHORITY HEADQUARTERS, ISLAMABAD Sealed bids are invited from Sales Tax and NTN registered Sole Proprietors/ Manufacturers/ Authorized Distributors/ Suppliers based at Islamabad/ Rawalpindi for supply of the items as per the requirementto PEMRA Headquarters, Mauve Area, Sector G/8-1 , Islamabad. Tender Documents (containing quantity, quality and specifications of the items along-with Terms and Conditions) shall be collected from the undersigned during 09:00 AM to 05:00 PM from Monday to Friday on payment of Rs.@0/- (Non-Refundable) in form of DD/PO/CDR drawn in favor of PEMRA. The Tender NptiCe is also available on PPRA & PEMRA websites i.e. & http:// Each bidder shall have to subtilt % of the total bid amount as Earnest Money in the form of DD/PO/CDR drawn in favor &bullEMRA along with sealed bids. Bids without earnest money shall be out-rightly rejected. Bid for supply of items $åll'be submitted in sealed envelope addressed to Deputy Director (Admin II) before 11:00 am on 2106.2024 which shall be opened on same day in the presence of participating bidders atl 1 :30 A!llat PEMRA Headquarters, Islamabad. Note: PEMRA RESERVE THE RIGHTTO ACCEPT OR REJECT ANY OR ALL BIDS AS PER PPRA RULES. For any further iniormation / query the undersigned can be contacted: Deputy Director (Administration-II) Pakistan Electronic Media Regulatory Authority ISt Floor, Mauve Area, Sector G-8/1, Islamabad. Phone No. 051-9107116 c Newspaper ( 02 Jun,- 2024) , from Dawn dated 02 June, 2024
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