National Savings Department Islamabad Tender Notice for ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. (SAY NO TO CORRUPTION) TENDER NOTICE Central Directorate of National Savings invites the electronic bids on PPRA e-Pak Acquisition & Disposal System (EPADS) from well-reputed firms/companies/JVs/Consortium registered with Taxation Authorities for hiring of the following services in line with National Savings (AML and CFT) Regulations, 2020, AML Act, 2010 and FATF Recommendations: Database Solution for Screening of Politically Exposed Persons ("PEP") initially for two years. The detailed Request for Proposal ("RFP') which would be an integral part of this Tender may be obtained from the undersigned during office hours or may be downloaded from The procurement method as per PPRA Rule 36(b) [Single stage-Two Envelopes Procedure] will be observed for this tender. Bidders are required to submit their bids through PPRA EPADS ( however, the bid security in original amounting to Rs. 70,000/- (Rupees Seventy thousand only) in the shape of Bank DrafVPay Order/Demand Draft/CDR/Bankers Cheque/Cashier Cheque only, issued from schedule bank operating in Pakistan in the favour of "CDNS, Islamabad" must be submitte t CDNS in original on technical bid opening date and time, without which the proposal sbatfiot be entertained/accepted and be rejected straight away. Bid must be submitted onli thröugh EPADS as per schedule i.e. on 26 June 2024 upto 11:30 am. Bids will be opened same day at 12:00 Noon at CDNS Conference Room at Savings House, 23-N, Civic Ce , G-6 Markaz, Islamabad in the presence of the bidders ortheir representatives who wish to d the bid proceedings. A pre-bid Meeting/Demo tion will be convened in the Conference Room of CDNS at the address mentioned inp@A , at 11:30 a.m. on 11 June 2024 to facilitate the Bidders requiring clarification regardi e RFP document. CDNS reserves th Yig tto reject any/all or a part of bids for which reasons may be conveyed if desired in writin For any querl lease feel free to contact the undersigned. Director Operations Central Directorate of National Savings, Islamabad Savings House, 23-N, Civic Centre, G-6 Markaz, Islamabad. Ph: 051-9215753/ 051-9215754 Fanancial Inclusion ENSURING FOR EVERY PAKISTANI Ministry of Finance Social Security Government nf Pasostan O Newspaper ( 02 Jun, 2024) , from Dawn dated 02 June, 2024
Send us WhatsApp Msg to Activate Tender Service : 03441423583
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