Gujranwala Electric Power Company Limited Gujranwala Tender Notice for ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** ELECTRICITY THEFT *ENDER-NOTIGE&mdash TENDERS/PDGSC/GEPCO/2023-24 Sr. No. 2023-24 41/ 2023-24 42/ 2023-24 43/ 2023-24 Name of Work 132 KV D/C Transmission Line from 132KV Wazirabad Grid Station to 132KV Grid Station Sambrial. Construction of Tower/Pole foundations type ZM-I (Normal Foundations), ZM-30, ZM-60 (Semi Sub Foundations) &SPA Pole foundation (Lot-I) (Item Rate Ba sis). 132 KV SIC Transmission Line from Badhomali to Hubco. Construction of Tower/Pole foundations type ZM-I, ZM-30 &SPA, Shifting of Material from GEPCO Ware house Wazirabad to site. Erection of Tower/Pole Type ZM-I, ZM-30 & SPA along with welding of Nut& Bolts (Item Rate Basis). Construction of 132KV Capacitor Bay alongwith allied works, Extension of Yard for fence wall & Extension of at 132KV Grid Station Wazirabad (Item Rate Basis). Construction of Tower foundation type ZM-30 (03-Nos) of 132KV D/C Khutiala Sheikhan Malikwal & Malikwal Bhalwal & 132KV S/C Kharian - Bhimber Transmission Line (Item Rate Basis). BOQ Cost (Rs.) 8,077.642 Tender Fee (Rs). 10000/- (Non- Completion Period 120- Days Refundable) 10000/- (Non- 180- Days Refundable) 3000/- (Non- 90- Days Refundable) 3000/- (Non- 30- Days Refundable) 1. Procedures of Open Competitive Bidding Single Stage Two envelope procedure as per PPRA rules 2004 clause 36 (b) will be adopted for tender process. Bid shall comprise ofsingle package containing two separate envelopes each envelope shall contain separately sealed financial proposal and Technical proposal. Envelope shall be marked as "Financial Proposal" and "Technical Proposal" in bold and legible letter to avoid confusion & Single Stage Single envelope procedure will be adopted for only Sr. 42 & 43/2023-24. 2. Who can Participate? (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) (vi) Sr. 01 02 03 04 Contractor who has valid PEC registration renewal for the year 2023-24 under code as mention below. The average annual turnover with Tax return from FBR should be at least 200 Million for last 2 years, verified from the certified auditor for Sr.40 & 41 & bank statement showing 25% balance amount ofwork in Bank. The average annual turnover with Tax return from FBR should be at least 15 Million for last 2 years, verified from the certified auditor for Sr.42 & 43 & bank statement showing 25% balance amount ofwork in Bank. In proof of experience the contractor is required to submit valid work order in DISCOs along with work completion certificate executed during the last Two years, which should be equal to the amount mentioned below, for same nature ofwork, from work order issuing Authority. Joint Venture will not be allowed/ applicable. The contractors having pending 03 or more works in 02 Years in GSC GEPCO not eligible to participate in tender. Tender No. 40/2023-24 41/2023-24 42/2023-24 43/2023-24 Registration in PEC Minimum Amount (Rs.) for Same nature category CE-IO CE02& EE05 CE-IO, CE02 & EE05 CE-IO & EE05 CE-IO & EE05 of work already completed 80% of BOQ amount 80% of BOQ amount ofBOQ amount 80% of BOQ amount 3. From where tender Documents can be obtained? From the0fficeoftheundersignedat132KV Grid Station Hafiza Road Gujranwala near Awan Chowki during working hours. 055-3412141 Fax # 055-3412170. 4. Eamest Money (i) Original BidSecurityin the shapeofBankD ft, R,Payorderaissued byascheduled bankin ofBOQ cost must be supplied along with rctnåcal bid. (ii) The successful bidderwill have to sub &bullt 0% ofthe Contract Price as performance Security in the form of Bank Draft, OR, Payorderatthe tim qisigning ofContractAgreement. 5. Other Conditions (i) The Contractorsarerequired to attacfitheirregistration certificates (Active), issued from PRAforPST/FBRfor GST along with technical bid (ii) In addition to experiencethe erhasto submitdocuments/companyprofilewhich prove thatbidderhas been involved intheTransmissioå e&GridStation work forthelastuoyearsand hassound financial position. (iii) The Tender will onlyb 'w ued upon submission oforiginal PECregistration. (iv) Authority letterisreqtf on 100 rupeesjudicial paperforContractor representativesalongwith CNICcopyof owner to receive teoderdocuments / participation in the tender process. (v) Cutting/ Overwriqng is not allowed in tender documents. (vi) Tendered rate&eurofhould be filled in figure as well as in words and tender should be signed as per general directions given I n the tender documents. 6. Note The Department/Company reserves the rights to accept or reject the tender as per PPRA Rules. (No conditional tender will be accepted). 7. Last Date of Issuing Tender Documents 25.062024 during working hours. 8. Last Date / Time of Submission Tenders 27.062024 upto 11:00 AM hours. 9. Date & Time of Opening of Tender 27.06.2024 at 11.30 A.M hours (Tender will be opened as per PPRA rules). Office Address 132KV Grid Station Hafizabad Road Gujranwala near Awan Chowk, during working hours. Ph:#055-3412141 Fax #055-3412170, www.pdgscgepco( PROJECT DIRECTOR (GSC) Gujranwala Electric Power Company Limited O Newspaper ( 02 Jun, 2024) , from Dawn dated 02 June, 2024
Send us WhatsApp Msg to Activate Tender Service : 03441423583
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