Oil & Gas Development Authority Islamabad Tender Notice 1 for ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** CORRIGENDUM Reference out renter NOti&bullce publiSt*d in thiS newspaper on 3005.2024. the 10110winq amendmertl mane rated. However-apothecterms eeondilionssh*ll remainunchanged. Ctosmc CATE} FOR OGDCL&bullSCU&bull PNP-UCH- 1 3. 7, nnBlNE coge ON SERVICE EXCHANGE BASIS INCLUDING SERWCtS GAS TUR8*NE c-rtPE GEAR,_,' BOX OF UCH.I BALOCHIS TAR ".06.202d AT tlOOHRS Bidders who have already submitteét&'t their proposals {bids} may them back and re-submit the same befo.# revised dosing date and lime mentioned atove. beopened 30 m ethe revisedbidsclosimgdate/ tinw Tender Notice/ ate available on public Procurement Regulatory Authority (PPRöYweåsiteat Tender documents are&bullvaitabte online and bids are also reqtzired to be submitted online through eprcku/ernent portal at https:/ or discovery,atiba.camfptolilej' Att01562899621. For details see *Instruction for Biddes documents, OGOCL right to &bullccept O' reiect any bid and to uu&bull.ul the bid&g process bids as per Putin: Procuremeqt Regulatory Authocity GENERAL MANAGER {SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT) OIL & GAS DEVELOPMENT COMPANY LIMITED ogocLHouse&bdquo AVENUE, No,40WS9 COMPANY NATION c ews paper WE EÄÄORE PROSPERITY un, , from Dunya dated 02 June, 2024
Send us WhatsApp Msg to Activate Tender Service : 03441423583
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