Capital Development Authority Islamabad Tender Notice for ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** CAPITAL DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY #HumCDA Water & Sewerage RIA zone Division INVITATION FOR BIDS FOR 1. Ihe C*tal Deveicp-nem Authorty hi'ites Sealed from tims are wet reputed. registered wfh Pa.hstar. Engineering C.ouncil having vaid CerYZate J License in apprgprate categccy ; code tor the "ear 2023-24. fier eiWbüty a.m qua.ldicam rnerooned in Bidding Docun•erts for fie wotk• S.NO Name Ot NIT COSI ant Sanitary Sewerage 1. System in sector Ouantlty ot items are n•enticnec 2 ye on PPHA anc rued the oftice of Dy. Diectcr WSS 1fVA) Zone Divisan, COA at Rocrfll Floor. Cd Nwal Headquarter, uelody Sector G•6, upto 21-06-2024 upor" sub«re$imiol '"th a nuveturoane Rs.S,m• IRupees Five Thoosmd Only) biddögdocurrerts at Sr. No. 1 in shape 01 cash being cost ct Bidding Dacutrjerts wotkr-jg t"ußon or be'cue date time. 3, registered with PPRA Ü&PAOS as vendors are digible to partåase bidding documents. 4. S.h3Jtd te accot• did nest in lorm 0' pay in Ot W' Division, COX StW scanned 01 WdSecuit'iO PADS and M. are ot gutli,c Procureme'i iues to tnrouqn at bilS accutance ct Nile and terms in the bidding be sublrtt:teø at the addrÉSniPhtioned above on ot dated a.' 11 2001M. C, In te:$tnan as secutf' equå to the dt'e•rexe tetweert NIT to quotéd anurt lws ot NIT a.m.:u-t. Ihs be in addba to unest money the w:" vd shal be depasted at he tinw o' bds. fie secuty shal be re*cted. pedomvance seariy successful stat te released after ct te gro*ct Bidwil D,ublittv on same day IThurSdäY) at 11:30 AM ili tie procwat'ei'l ccmrrtiltee avrvo•'ited Represert.•ve.s c twos.e aret•d sessum to be at address i' tie Office 01 Dtector COA I.Slgnat'ad til t.t* above tre Firm providing IN.msv•no.ted itccgree intconarcn are jawe to action reserves ttg to reBt an as PPHA Rdes 'Bitt'@J1 assy.rq reason, to Amertisernenlis PPHA. s websdes fMUJHAIO HUSSAIN) Deputy O itector WCS Zone COA. Islamabad, from Dunya dated 02 June, 2024
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