Highway Division Bahawalnagar Tender Notice for ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** HIGHWAY DIVISION BAHAWALNAGAR TENDER NOTICE PunPD hlgn�ey uvjs,ton, Banawalnagu nvues lhe Idiymng schernes as irtroduee trom cont��r been P*tstan Cound im Catepy C-4 ar�d A' terd�jng prozegs be prepared as PPRA Rules. to these rue me contraaorg can part�c:nte in grcg:ess suooct trye t. As cmtractor reggtrajon on -ecnw.pun�" Depn�nent Erroll aaaress, PEC CNC, PRA NTN and EPA License of carpet requred to be 2. Of the can ncess. 3. After getting logan controeo;r per PEC 10 depost lerdec fee as ment�ooed aganst each work thro-jgtl PSIOv on tenckt opening day orjgjrul copy be handed in the otoce unckrsqr�ed 4. u"oading tender fee iss1E voucher contractor depost 2% screme cost any scttedtjeo copy COR oe u�oaoed on the 5. Tho contractcr hb raes b'/ Idling BOQ on the bebw above percentage tetore 12:W PM dated 21-06-2024. 6. on PM the partiapate in tendenrg and submit appucat�n his own COB ot Earnest and VmjCherRecept Of ter�der fee to terde� cornrt*tee If epy to deposit the �Kurnents in preserj@ Tenoer WII as 7. bidder be on 21.E.2024Ct 30 in of the Connussioner Chism. Bahawalpur en using p�al. e. case any contractct delivers informat�A. Tenter cornmdtee fake receipt. he disqualifed partiapatenn tend from Nawaiwaqt dated 01 June, 2024
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