Pakistan Army Abbottabad Tender Notice for construction , repair and renovation of residentiontial and non residentioal buldings , carpeting of roads , supply of bazar material electrical , mecanical , building and roads ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** MILITARY ENGINEER SERVICES TENDERS NOTICE 1. Applications for pre-qualification of Contractors/ firms are GE (Army) Abbottabad with in fifteen days (15) after advertisement for the fcalow•ing works will livered to qualified contractors frms later on The sacre tenders diJly priced must reach at GE (A) by 1130 hrs and will be opened at 1200 hrs cn prescribed-date: a. Name of works a Location Const Repat Maint of 'ResdlJ Bon. Resdl) works, Re• Carpetir,g o' Road. Ent Svcs of 'lilies at Atd. Shinkaan & FavelWT. of aazar Material {E&M & of Sloreslc« RTEsmdTCj for ofGE *Xbttabad At par cost shcwn on tee doo,jments 2. Firms/ Contractors who are enlisted with MES in Cat A', 'D' and 'E' may only apply firms/contractors. not borne on the approved list c(MESwill fumish a certificate alongwith their apßication. details ot work executed during last yeqrs•ånd those in hand on the pedcma appended below;- Ser Naneof Deptll' Date of %age weeks encye. Ofeach allowed Completion progress executed PWOFR work (Rs) (Months} during etc last years and in hand Department p&rnance report on each work by •neen'Cha b. a. d. e. g. Of in hand h. 3, Detail work can be obtained from the office of cmcerned executive any working day, Tender is available at PPRA, O Newspaper ( 01 Jun, 2024) ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** MILITARY ENGINEER SERVICES TENDERS NOTICE 1. Applications for pre-qualification of Contractors/ firms are GE (Army) Abbottabad with in fifteen days (15) after advertisement for the fcalow•ing works will livered to qualified contractors frms later on The sacre tenders diJly priced must reach at GE (A) by 1130 hrs and will be opened at 1200 hrs cn prescribed-date: a. Name of works a Location Const Repat Maint of 'ResdlJ Bon. Resdl) works, Re• Carpetir,g o' Road. Ent Svcs of 'lilies at Atd. Shinkaan & FavelWT. of aazar Material {E&M & of Sloreslc« RTEsmdTCj for ofGE *Xbttabad At par cost shcwn on tee doo,jments 2. Firms/ Contractors who are enlisted with MES in Cat A', 'D' and 'E' may only apply firms/contractors. not borne on the approved list c(MESwill fumish a certificate alongwith their apßication. details ot work executed during last yeqrs•ånd those in hand on the pedcma appended below;- Ser Naneof Deptll' Date of %age weeks encye. Ofeach allowed Completion progress executed PWOFR work (Rs) (Months} during etc last years and in hand Department p&rnance report on each work by •neen'Cha b. a. d. e. g. Of in hand h. 3, Detail work can be obtained from the office of cmcerned executive any working day, Tender is available at PPRA, O Newspaper ( 01 Jun, 2024) , from Aaj dated 01 June, 2024
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