Directorate Of Archacology & Museums Peshawar Tender Notice for consertation and rehabilition of mosque , connstruction of building , ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** NOTICE INVITING TENDER SINGLE STAGE TWO ENVELOPE PROCEDURE Directorate Of Archaeology & Museums invites sealed bids for the project titled ' 'Conservation and Rehabilitation of SEO Mosque Dasu (funded by Dasu Hydropower Project Wapdaj. This project will be executed by the Directorate of Archaeology & Museums Peshawar on the basis of MRS'NSI through a single-stage, two envelope procedure as per KPPRA Rules 2014. Bids are invited from government contractors cnhstcd with the Directorate of Archaeology and thc Pakistan Engineering Council, who have experience and expertise in the relevant field of specialization, OFWORK Cfi:sl Security@ Million entry Fee 020-2024 Technical 02-07-2024 at 2:30 Time of Completion As Per Work Consetatioll and Rehabilitation of SEO Mosque 0.0130 43380M M Dasu TERMS / CONDITIONS M All the interested bidders shall deposit their call deposit receipt (CDR) Bid Security 2% of the estimated cost m shape of Call Deposit in (Original) m the Name of Dlreetor, Directorate of Archaeology & Museums Peshawar. All other items not mentioned in the BOQ but exist in the MRS&bull2022 (Bi&bullAnnua1) shall be paid to the contractor's rate approved by the competent authority with approved area COSI factor, &bull All the information and documents provided by the bid ust be based on facts beyond any doubt. During analysis i" Scrutiny or evaluation of t sals any misrepresentation. false statement or fake document would make a ground f "ection of the bid and Will also be liable for debarment 1' blacklistrng, Any fake docum misrepresentation detected durmg the currency of the contract, will render the iirnq bOJåck listed and would be reported to the PEC for cancellation of their registration / licens &bull All the Bidders arc rcquxred to be rc with Khyhcr Pakhtunkhwa Revenue Authority (KPRA) and must submit updated Paki Engineering Council license 2023-24, NTN Active FBR Certificate and KPRA (Active T+xpayers Ccrtlfieate). &bull All the Contractors are directed to f low KPPRA notification SRO (14) Vol' 1-24 2021-22 dated regarding it nal bid security. The notification S.R.O No. (15)/ Vol: 1-25/2022-23 amendedvidenoti, tionNo 1-282023-24 will also be applicable, &bull All the Bidders are require to Active Taxpayers list of the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Revenue Authority (KPRA), &bull The bidding documents be issued only to those contractors having PEC BC-02 Conservation Code. &bull Tender documents' s ofthe subject work & all other terms & condition (as per KPPRA rules) shall bc available 05-06-2024 up to 28-06-2024 durmg officc hours at the cost of Rs. 2000/- non-refundable t written request. The bids must e reached in the office up to 02-07-2024 at 2:00 pm and technical Bids will be open In the committee room of Directorate of Archaeology and Museums on the same date (02-07-2024 at 2 pm) in the presence of contractors or their authorized representative. Date for opening of Financial Bids will be announced after the approvål of technical bids from the competent Authority, same is also available on K PPRA Website & Directorate Wébsite i.e. &bull A Pre-bid meeting will be held in the office of the undersigned on 20-06-2024 at 11,00 AM, &bull The Competent authority reserves the right to reject any or all bids in the light of KPPRA Rules, DIRECTOR. D' RECIORAJ'E OF ARCHAEOLOGY & MUSEUMS KHYBER PAKHTUNKHWA PESHAWAR CONTACrr # 091-9211194, 9211488 O Newspaper ( 01 Jun, 2024) ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** NOTICE INVITING TENDER SINGLE STAGE TWO ENVELOPE PROCEDURE Directorate Of Archaeology & Museums invites sealed bids for the project titled ' 'Conservation and Rehabilitation of SEO Mosque Dasu (funded by Dasu Hydropower Project Wapdaj. This project will be executed by the Directorate of Archaeology & Museums Peshawar on the basis of MRS'NSI through a single-stage, two envelope procedure as per KPPRA Rules 2014. Bids are invited from government contractors cnhstcd with the Directorate of Archaeology and thc Pakistan Engineering Council, who have experience and expertise in the relevant field of specialization, OFWORK Cfi:sl Security@ Million entry Fee 020-2024 Technical 02-07-2024 at 2:30 Time of Completion As Per Work Consetatioll and Rehabilitation of SEO Mosque 0.0130 43380M M Dasu TERMS / CONDITIONS M All the interested bidders shall deposit their call deposit receipt (CDR) Bid Security 2% of the estimated cost m shape of Call Deposit in (Original) m the Name of Dlreetor, Directorate of Archaeology & Museums Peshawar. All other items not mentioned in the BOQ but exist in the MRS&bull2022 (Bi&bullAnnua1) shall be paid to the contractor's rate approved by the competent authority with approved area COSI factor, &bull All the information and documents provided by the bid ust be based on facts beyond any doubt. During analysis i" Scrutiny or evaluation of t sals any misrepresentation. false statement or fake document would make a ground f "ection of the bid and Will also be liable for debarment 1' blacklistrng, Any fake docum misrepresentation detected durmg the currency of the contract, will render the iirnq bOJåck listed and would be reported to the PEC for cancellation of their registration / licens &bull All the Bidders arc rcquxred to be rc with Khyhcr Pakhtunkhwa Revenue Authority (KPRA) and must submit updated Paki Engineering Council license 2023-24, NTN Active FBR Certificate and KPRA (Active T+xpayers Ccrtlfieate). &bull All the Contractors are directed to f low KPPRA notification SRO (14) Vol' 1-24 2021-22 dated regarding it nal bid security. The notification S.R.O No. (15)/ Vol: 1-25/2022-23 amendedvidenoti, tionNo 1-282023-24 will also be applicable, &bull All the Bidders are require to Active Taxpayers list of the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Revenue Authority (KPRA), &bull The bidding documents be issued only to those contractors having PEC BC-02 Conservation Code. &bull Tender documents' s ofthe subject work & all other terms & condition (as per KPPRA rules) shall bc available 05-06-2024 up to 28-06-2024 durmg officc hours at the cost of Rs. 2000/- non-refundable t written request. The bids must e reached in the office up to 02-07-2024 at 2:00 pm and technical Bids will be open In the committee room of Directorate of Archaeology and Museums on the same date (02-07-2024 at 2 pm) in the presence of contractors or their authorized representative. Date for opening of Financial Bids will be announced after the approvål of technical bids from the competent Authority, same is also available on K PPRA Website & Directorate Wébsite i.e. &bull A Pre-bid meeting will be held in the office of the undersigned on 20-06-2024 at 11,00 AM, &bull The Competent authority reserves the right to reject any or all bids in the light of KPPRA Rules, DIRECTOR. D' RECIORAJ'E OF ARCHAEOLOGY & MUSEUMS KHYBER PAKHTUNKHWA PESHAWAR CONTACrr # 091-9211194, 9211488 O Newspaper ( 01 Jun, 2024) , , , from Aaj dated 01 June, 2024
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